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Topic: TIGER RAID | News & discussion

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TIGER RAID | News & discussion


Damien has posted a couple of posts and photos on twitter that suggest he is working on a new project.

We have been discussing and speculating in other Forum topic on what it might be...

Here is what we have so far!





JozieMozie wrote:

Ooh what he is up to now?wink



domino wrote:

what could it be Damo detectives!?!?!?! cool



whimsyfox wrote:

How bad is it that I'm analyzing the bin for clues...

It all looks muddy, so I don't think he's being transformed into a blue alien or anything like that.  But ALL DAY?  Prosthetics?  Disfigurement (hope not - don't want them to cover up that pretty face!)

All day could be an exaggeration.  He's more used to light makeup that probably takes less than half hour...



domino wrote:

like your thinking whimsy....

things that went through my mind, in this order:

monsters, gothic, Flight in Ripper Street 3 all muddy and grubby and in neeed of a hot shower.. ahem...


RPLovesIpswich wrote:

I thought grimy Flight too but maybe that's just wishful thinking ;)

Perhaps it was just a joke about the number of filthy wipes in the bin and they are actually the wipes for the whole cast of whatever this is for?

Whatever it is, it means Damien was doing something exciting today!



JozieMozie wrote:

We have to just wait, little excitement for us all!



whimsyfox wrote:

Could be a makeup test day, not actual filming day.  So they could have tried several things, made him up several times.

IF it were that new BBC2 show The Last Kingdom... could be battle scars, bruises, general grubbiness.  

domino, my first thought when I read it was the elephant man in RS.  That took about 5 hours of makeup time?  And that turned my thoughts to a disfigurement of some sort too.  I don't like that idea...



RPLovesIpswich wrote:

Grubbiness? Perhaps a World War One thing? Might also fit in with Whimsy's idea of some kind of disfigurement.



fifi wrote:

My first thought was.....yaaay! Damien's filming something!!

Next thought was....yaaay!  Damien's filming something!!!

And then.....well.....still haven't got any further than yaaay! Damien's filming something!!!



domino wrote:

I would be a very proud fan if Damien played a disfigured character or such an amazing character as the Elephant man... I love the idea. and the themes related.

It does also make you wonder if it is a genre character, or something supernatural, or fantasy related... I am not sure if grubbiness would take a whole day in make up. But perhaps injury would... bruising?



RPLovesIpswich wrote:

I agree domino, it would be wonderful to see Damien playing a really challenging role so that others can see the full force of his incredible acting talent. Can't wait to see what this is for!



Pearl24 wrote:

I didn't even think that Damien was filming something else. I thought he was still filming Suspects. I am confused! I wouldn't want him to be disfigured - we need to see that lovely face!



JozieMozie wrote:

I'm hoping for Flights return, but could it be possible they are still filming some scenes of Suspects? I don't think so, because it was wrapped. But who knows? He surely like to keep us in dark.

domino, I agree with you. It would be amazing see him performing some challenging role such as disfigured person or something like that. Really out from comfort zone.

I was thinking that he would play Flight who has begun alcoholic and he has lots of fights and he is living on the streets and make appearance in Ripper Street in some episode :D



rubyrosettared wrote:

I think Suspects is done filming wise? I'm wondering whether it's for a theatre role? Either way I'm intrigued and isn't it like him to tease and run?



domino wrote:

I was thinking along those lines for Ripper Street too Jozie.. or maybe he becomes the latest boxing champ for H-Division and gets regularly beaten up?

Suspects finished filming weeks ago Lisa. If it was theatre and he was in the makeup chair now, we would have heard about what it is by now? No.. I think this more likely is a film or tv role! (but that is not to rule out that he may have a theatre role lined up too!)

what about those Dr Who The Master rumours ages ago.... could be a very stylised/ made up Master?



whimsyfox wrote:

I saw an article where Moffat said he was not bringing back The Master. And Dr Who should be done filming - they are doing the world tour now in prep for the big premier of the new series. 

I think Damien is doing something completely separate from RS. Kinda hoping for a big film (hopefully international) or perhaps that The Last Kingdom series for BBC2 that is supposed to be epic and produced by the people that do Downton Abbey. But hard to picture what he could be doing that takes so much makeup time. 



Random Jane wrote:

I never put too much stock in what Moffat says in interviews.  He's been know to outright lie about his shows (not that I blame him). 

It probably isn't that though.  I'm just glad he seems to have something else lined up, whatever it is.  I too hope it's international. 



JozieMozie wrote:

Perhaps it could be tv film or documentary by BBC, those are pretty common ones which you don't hear about anything until they air.

While ago I saw tv film by BBC about Vincent Van Gogh played by Benedict Cumberbatch, so I guess anything is possible.

I don't think either that this is about theatre. They usually tell very early who is in what play..

Doctor Who? Well, like Whimsy said, they aren't currently filming the show.

How bout some role in new Poldark? They are filming now aren't they? Or Sherlock?

Wild guesses all, but I'm happy that our favorite man got projects. More Damien for me any day please!



fifi wrote:
rubyrosettared wrote:

Either way I'm intrigued and isn't it like him to tease and run?

 Isn't it just!!

I'd have thought that if it was theatre we'd have heard something before it got to the makeup stage too - it seems more likely to be film or tv.  Whatever it is it makes me very happy! 

Just a thought - a lot of makeup doesn't necessarily mean heavy makeup....it could just be spread over a large area.....




Pearl24 wrote:

Wishful thinking Fifi!



domino wrote:

they finished filming Dr Who? all episodes? that's that theory gone then!

Jozie, personally I don't think Poldark...and while Sherlock has crossed my mind as a future project for Damien (pretty much everything that is quality should have him in it let's face it) I don't think Sherlock is filming right now?

fifi, yes make up over a large area like bruising, hence my RS 3 suggestion.... what else? Not sure that would take all day.

whimsy that last Kingdom project tickled my fancy, and even though Damien's name was only mentioned on a a fan wish list... you never know!

Of course Damien could be exaggerating the 'all day' bit...

I am still with the whole gothic thing.. or even horror... some of the old classic horrors took lots of makeup...Mary Shelley's Monster is announced but not filming yet I think.... and new film adaptations of the Anne Rice novels are coming - Interview with the Vampire style!

However.. as much as we all know Damien deserves to be in that leading role, in the big film world he may need a few lesser roles under his belt first.... as much as it pains me to say that.. honestly, since the over 2 and a half years ago I first became aware of his talent, it became apparent that Damien has a unique star quality, so anything less than THE leading role is just all wrong somehow!!! But I have had zero doubt that moment will come all this time!



JozieMozie wrote:

I agree with you domino. Damien is talented man, leading role type and wonderful actor. Of course, until world sees his potential he needs to do little lesser roles.. But when he does.. He set hearts on fire. Like mine..

How about Penny Dreadful? That's horror all over. And very good show, I like it. Billy Piper is in it. They are filming new episodes. I'm waiting new season.



Random Jane wrote:

Oh Penny Dreadful would be great!  I haven't seen it yet but I hear it is good and I intend to remedy that soon. 



whimsyfox wrote:

oh is Penny Dreadful filming again?  this has possibilities...

Considering he's played a vampire and been in a Victorian drama already, I think he'd slot right in.  And it's filmed in Dublin.  Personally I have not seen the show, had no interest, but yes it could be something he'd need lots of makeup for, if he were one of the literary characters.  And it's an international show, so this would give him some more street credit under his belt...

I agree domino and Jozie about Damien having star quality, but he does seem to be picking his roles rather carefully.  Branching out into smaller productions that give him lots of new challenges.  I quite like that he's still "unknown" enough that he's got a respectable but small fanbase.  But damn it, he needs to make it big!  I want the world to see how much he shines!!!



JozieMozie wrote:

And there's always that possibility that Damien likes to keep his circles little. Who knows if he has turned down bigger roles?

Oh liked Penny Dreadful. There's all the legends of horror mixed together in one story. I really hope that Damien would be in it. I don't know if there's anything else going on that fits..



domino wrote:

Penny Dreadful would be cool, second series 2015...but not on a terrestrial UK TV channel, not everyone has SKY.

Apart from monster or gothic, fantasy sci fi character.... what about something like The Walking Dead? not as a zombie but a character, they must spend quite some time in the makeup chair being made all grubby and sweaty!?

If Damien wasn't kidding and genuinely spent the whole day in a makeup chair, there are only a number of options it can be:

1. character in a fantasy/sci fi/ horror
2. character with injury / bruising
3. character with hugely altered appearance - like a disfigurement, ageing, change of sex (!),
4. character who is exceptionally grubby!!!

anything else?



domino wrote:



So.. all day in the make-up chair and somewhere hot?




RPLovesIpswich wrote:

Any clues from the bottles? They don't look like they are from the UK.



Pearl24 wrote:

They are Nestle's Pure Life which is available in the UK. In fact a quick search shows they are available in lots of countries in the world! Sorry to disappoint - if you are disappointed.



RPLovesIpswich wrote:

No, not disappointed. Just hoped it could help us figure out what Damien is up to! What an infuriating man!



JozieMozie wrote:

No idea where he is. But those pants. I would like to see rest of them. And if there's hot I hope he's shirtless.

Did I just wrote what I'm thinking?

Oh yes I did. And I'm not even ashamed.



whimsyfox wrote:

Jozie, I'm fairly certain you aren't the only one thinking it... wink

My working theory is that he will be topless in the desert and it takes them all day in makeup to "fake tan" him.



JozieMozie wrote:

Could be Whimsy!

Dirty, sweaty, topless Damien in desert... thud



fifi wrote:
JozieMozie wrote:

Could be Whimsy!

Dirty, sweaty, topless Damien in desert... thud

 I love how very swiftly and optimistically we've arrived at this point after just a couple of tweets.... lol!!



domino wrote:

Hmmm...... this one is very exciting and intriguing to say the least!

There are a few genres of things that are filmed in hot, sandy countries.....
Indiana Jones, Transformers, Star Wars (we've been fantasizing about Damo in that for years....), Prometheus, The Hurt Locker.. and the list goes on.

So even if we have a glimpse of combat trouser in that pic, not necessarily a military thing... and even if it was a military character, the project itself may not be all about that.

Would it take an entire day to put on some fake tan gunk? it would be easier to do a one off spray tan for a shoot perhaps.. if it was tanning. the mystery continues!!!


Let the guessing continue.......................................



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Damien has been very quiet about his current project.

I know he cannot say anything until he is allowed to and he is teasing us a little with his tweets but I think he have been filming in UK or Ireland but not further because:

1. What comes to Damien, I believe he would have been tweeting his whereabouts if he would travel (unless they would reveal TOO much).

2. Even I first got that image that he might be somewhere exotic or hot country, sunny weather anywhere plus acting might make anyone feel little sweaty.

3. Pretty sure he hasn't leave far away cause he have been doing all these interviews about Suspects.

What do you think?


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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good question Jozie.... where is Damo filming?

I think outside of the UK and Ireland... because:

"pure schweating out here" - the temperature here has not been that great lately..and 'out here' implies, in my mind, somewhere away not in this country. The whole photo has the feel of non uk terrain to it too!

The Suspects interviews we have seen this past week were actually done during the press days in July!


And...time to let you all in on a little secret.



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Oh my! This changes many things!! Sooooooo....... Where he could be adventuring with combat trousers and somewhere hot???

(Still hoping we could do that fan based interview when he comes back).


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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It certainly looks like a dusty piece of ground where the bottles are thrown. Domino, I think like you did - "out here" implies out of the country.


A terrible beauty!

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I'm starting to hope crazy things when I don't know where is he.. Now I think he might be doing a film (well, that's not crazy). But where and what film? Could he be in U.S? Or do you think he is filming somewhere in Europe?


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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I thought that was some kind of seat Pearl, with Damien's leg, sitting on it! But now you've said that I am beginning to wonder...

Where is europe was it very hot at that time Jozie? I don't know... but have a feeling it may be outside of Europe. Somewhere hotter... and drier!

there have been several suggestions and speculations about what this project could be.. but I am waiting for the next clue!


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I think you are right about it being a seat. But still very dusty with what looks like sand. North Africa? Southern Spain? Portugal? Hope it's not the Middle East!


A terrible beauty!

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There have been very hot weather in Europe at the time he send those tweets (and still is except here in North). Could be in Europe. He might be very careful not to reveal where he is if that gives too much away, but waiting for the next clue too! My heart skip a beat every time I notice new tweet from Damien...


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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It looks hot and dusty perhaps something military based? Would perhaps explain the make up (camouflage for example)


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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rubyrosettared wrote:

It looks hot and dusty perhaps something military based? Would perhaps explain the make up (camouflage for example)

 yes, this seems to be the most popular opinion Lisa!


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Not forgetting the US Pearl and Jozie - South America, Mexico....

So are we thinking film? TV? or something else.... I guess Damien could be involved in something humanitarian?

Arghh!!! Damien is the master of tease - Jack's words are ringing through my ears: " I want to keep you wanting more "


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Maybe he is doing another play?


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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I doubt he would need to be in a make up chair "all day" if it weren't an acting job. Also I think he might have tweeted around the time of the showing of episode 2 last week if he had been in the UK. Plays usually have more publicity around them.


A terrible beauty!

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Very good points Pearl. I don't think it's a play. And now there is great possibility he's not in UK. I'm just so eager to know if it is tv or film, I would be very thrilled seeing Damien on the big screen... Because I'm not sure will "Kill your friends" hit theaters here so I think it would be very nice if he could do more films. More change for me seeing him in theaters.. In big screen..ooohbaby


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I did a quick Google of films currently in production to see if there were any clues there but there are a number of films set in deserts so that didn't narrow it down! There is a film about Gertrude Bell who explored the desert in the early 20th century which has Nicole Kidman, Robert Pattinson and Cillian Murphy in. There is also a film about the shipwreck of the Essex which has Brendon Gleeson and Ben Wishaw in (this could involve make-up to look burnt by the sun etc). There are also a few WW1 films and any number of sci-fi, fantasy and horror things! That is of course if Damien hasn't led us astray with the hot and dusty theme and also it could be a TV series and not a film!

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Perhaps he is on holiday somewhere hot! cool


A terrible beauty!

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Damien's gone very quiet!  It's about time we had some more infuriatingly obscure clues to what he's up to!

-- Edited by fifi on Tuesday 26th of August 2014 09:30:55 PM


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Apparently the new Mission Impossible film is being filmed in Morocco...

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Loving all these guesses Molonians! keep em coming!

has anyone mentioned Star Wars yet? I know we've mooted the desire for Damo to be in it before, in fact, it has been a forum favourite for a couple of years! that is also filming now, not entirely sure of locations! But they do have desert in the films!

It could definitely also be TV Rosie - my original Doctor WHO guess was clearly wrong...Game Of Thrones is currently filming I believe, what about Da Vincis Demons? or something like The Walking Dead? (that's filming too I think!) the character in that have to get made up to be super grubby! haha!

The two main strands that seem to be possibles are the military theme .. based on Damien's photos, or some sort of sci fi / fantasy / genre thing... But in all honestly it could be anything! sooo fun speculating though!


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Mission Impossible is at the top of my guess list.  


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Molonians, do we have an answer?!

MissionX mention a war movie, also starring Brian Gleeson, directed by Simon Dixon, directed by Gareth Evans!





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MissionX are based in Jordan give specialist advice to the film and tv industry and training to the actors.

MissionX Film & Television



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This looks promising.  English drama with "two male leads".  My only concern is it says to shoot in 2013, but I don't see anything like that in Gareth Evans's IMDB credits.



new film 1.JPG

new film 2.JPG

-- Edited by whimsyfox on Friday 29th of August 2014 09:48:35 PM


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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interesting Whimsy, article is 2012 but could be!

If it is this guy, then this is a more recent article.. he is attached to the Hollywood remake of The Raid. and wants to do a Zulu remake and a film about freedom fighter Owain Glyndwr.



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