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Posts: 5474
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The Damien Molony Forum has been running since 2012 and over the years many fans have joined us from all corners of the world. DMF is a respectful, welcoming and friendly community and largely self regulating, breach of the below guidelines is extremely rare.


Every single member of the DMF community is appreciated, thank you for helping us make this a fun and friendly place for all Damien Molony fans to enjoy.


We would however be grateful to all who are new to the forum to take a look at the guidelines below.  If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please feel free to post them here or contact the administrator.





Forum Disclaimer


The Damien Molony Forum is an unofficial, non-profit, non commercial fan forum for the purposes of info, fan fun and entertainment only, made and maintained by a fan to support the actor in his professional endeavors. It is not affiliated with, or claims to represent, Damien Molony or any of his associates.

All shared content belongs to their respective owners, no infringement intended. If you would like us to remove any content from damienmolony.org or damienmolonyforum.com, please contact us.

The copyright on all original content and text on this website belongs to the owner.

The views expressed by members of this forum are their own and do not reflect the position of the administrator or other members. Each member is responsible for the content of his/her own posts.




Forum Guidelines

This forum is intended to provide info and a platform for discussion and fan sharing in a friendly atmosphere. To help achieve this goal, we ask that you please read the guidelines below.

Respectful posting

We ask that you please be friendly and respectful to all other members of the community in all posts. Different points of view are welcome but in cases of disagreement remember it is the point of view you are challenging not the person.

Offensive posts

Offensive, prejudiced, harassing or discriminatory comments based on race, ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated on our forum. Posts that are racist sexist or homophopic will be removed. 


Damien's Privacy

This forum is intended to celebrate the work of actor Damien Molony with other fans. Discussion here is limited to his work, events and public appearances.

All matters relating to Damien Molony's personal life are his, and his only, to share. 


We do not disclose or support discussion of, or speculation on, his personal life, gossip news, paparazzi or stalkerazzi behaviour by media, or fans. This means news, comments or photos that intrude into his personal life (i.e when he is enjoying his own personal time, privately, without consenting to share.)

Photographs taken by fans with Damien, or of Damien publicly appearing at a stage door, are permitted.

Where Damien himself has publicly shared personal info discussion is permitted within reason. But any material that intrudes into his personal life will be removed at the discretion of admin and moderators.


Post location

Please always post in the appropriate section of the forum by checking the descriptions on the front page.

If you are not sure where to post something on the forum please read our complete posting guidelines here


Duplicate posting

If a topic already exists on the forum and a new one is begun in duplication, it will either be merged with the original topic of removed. 

All duplicate posts will also be deleted.




The following posting is considered disruption on the forum and such posts will be removed:

Flaming, baiting and hate comments

Pointless, random or irrelevant posts e.g posts that do not relate to the discussion, are off topic

Very short or one or two word posts

Successive commenting in the same topic

Asking questions in a topic which have clearly already been answered to disrupt or flame

Bumping up old threads which are clearly no longer relevant or current

Off topic posts that disrupt the discussion

Negative comments in an appreciation topic (see below)


Appreciation Topics

Topics of appreciation are exactly that - topics to show appreciation of the subject of discussion. Please refrain from disrupting appreciation topics with negative comments and spoiling it for others. Such posts are considered 'off topic' and will be removed. If it is not a subject you enjoy then simply do not join in with that discussion or feel free to begin an alternative topic.


Spam and advertising

Any spam or advertising on the forum will be removed, whether it is in a post, chat box or a member's signature or profile. 


External material and links

External links to other websites etc are allowed if they are relevant to the discussion. When sharing information from another source please  always provide a link and give full credit to that source. For example, when sharing for an interview, article or other item.


Copyright and sharing text

Please do not post any text to which you do not have the copyright. Please always obtain the correct permissions before posting copyrighted text on the forum, and acknowledge the source of by providing a link in all postings. If sharing text from another website please only quote a section of that text and provide a link to the source for the rest.



Copyright and Sharing Photos

Please do not post any images / videos on the forum to which you do not have the copyright. Please always obtain the correct permissions before posting copyrighted photos and images on the forum, and acknowledge the source of all images by providing a link in all postings. This applies to all postings, avatars and signatures.

As a general rule, if in doubt, please only post the website link / url to the images not the images themselves.

Please do not 'hotlink' images direct from another site, i.e 'copying' the image from the source site and 'pasting' directly on to the forum. This is technically stealing their bandwidth. All hotlinked images will be removed.

Please always use a third party host to upload your image e.g Photobucket, or use the upload option as described above to upload the image direct from your computer to the forum. 


Sharing Images Found on The Damien Molony Forum

Please do not copy or share images posted at the Damien Molony Forum, either from publicly viewable topics or non public topics. These may be images we have gained permission to share (for example Suspects promo photos from Channel 5) specifically on the forum or the fansite. If we post an image here it does not mean it is automatically available to copy. Additionally some of these images are licensed to us (at a cost) for use on www.damienmolonyforum.com or www.damienmolony.org and for editorial use only, cannot be shared on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter or any other website. The terms of our license mean we have to report any such illegal use.


However, we very much welcome sharing by linking directly back to us, for example to share an image posted here, provide the direct link to the relevant forum topic.


Sharing Original Material Found on The Damien Molony Forum

Please do not copy and post elsewhere original written material posted on www.damienmolonyforum.com and www.damienmolony.org. This includes our Damien information pages, articles and reviews as well as any posted comment by DMF or any other member.

However, we very much welcome sharing by linking directly back to us. For example, to share an article or information page posted here, provide the direct website link to the relevant forum topic.


Privacy & Online Safety

Please be aware this is a public forum, all content is viewable online, with the exception of the private or member only forums.

Please do not post your personal information on this forum, including your email address, phone numbers, your home or work address or your location. We also strongly advise these are not shared with other members via the PM system unless they are known to and trusted by you. If you suspect any member is misusing the PM system to gain personal information please report it to the administrator.

Please do not share the personal information of others unless it is publicly available already, ie a company email address.


Forum questions

We have provided many helpful 'how to' topics in the Forum Information section where you may find many of your forum related questions answered. If you have a question on how to use the forum, change your settings or anything related to using the forum, in the first instance please check the topics here.

If you still have a forum related question after checking in this area, or have a forum suggestion to make or error / glitch to report, please check the Forum Discussion area here to see if a topic has already been started on the issue. If not please feel free to begin a new topic.



Any post that violates the above conditions, or departs from the intended purpose of this forum may be removed without notice by admin.

We reserve the right to edit any post for reasons including, but not limited to: language, length, or content not appropriate to the topic of this forum.

Older threads or messages may be removed from time to time, to maintain categories or threads of manageable length.

Any member who breaches any of the Guidelines mentioned in this topic may find their account privileges revoked or be temporarily or permanently banned.








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