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Topic: Doctor WHO!

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William Hartnell
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davison
Colin Baker
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant
Matt Smith
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Doctor WHO!



Any WHOvians in the house?!?!

So we have been having a few chats in the chat box in past weeks about Doctor Who!

My first memories of Doctor Who was in the 70's when I was too young and used to hide behind the sofa in every episode! Probably why Tom Baker remains my fave Doctor to this day.

Years later, just before the return of Dotor Who with Christopher Eccleston after it's tragic haitus, I was lucky enougb to be treated to old epsiodes of Doctor Who ever via my ex's vhs collection!

For those who have not met the original Doctor, for some THE Doctor Who, played by Willim Hartnell, check out the frst ever episode of the show below!




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Team DaMo
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Great topic! :) Btw. "The unearthly child" is the only episode I've ever watched of the old doctor, or any doctor that came before Eccleston.

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Oh thx for the link domino, will have to watch that some time :)

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the new Doctor Who seems like a different animal to me, I love it, but it is much slicker and more sophisticated, the writing is far more complex and the sets are far removed from the sticky back plastic blue peter models kind of vibe of the 70's..and i kind of miss that anti-slickness!


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Team DaMo
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I've only seen Tom Baker and he *is* the Doctor for me too smile


"Are there subtitles for this conversation?"

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Ive just recently fallen in love with Doctor Who! I think my favorite doctor is David Tennet


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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I watched Doctor Who from Jon Pertwee/Tom Baker up to i think it was Peter Davidson, the one before Sylvester McCoy? i didn't watch his episodes. I've watched the current run from the first episode and i have to admit that Matt Smith is my favourite, I loved Ten but there is something about Matt's Doctor that i utterly adore. I think its his scatter-brain personality, it really resonates with me for some reason.


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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I agree Lisa, Matt Smith makes a wonderful Doctor! Jon Pertwee was great in his day, I lost interest from Peter Davidson - it just became a children'ss programme without any retro quirkiness or engaging eccentricity to save it - until the new Doctor Who with Christopher Eccleston ...and of the new doctors, Matt Smith is my fave.


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Been a fan of Doctor Who since i was 5. I watcched it with my older brothers. Sylvestor McCoy was the Doctor.

Love classic who. I can't really choose a favourite Doctor as i love them all (yes even Colin Baker! I have a lot of favourite companions can't really choose the best one but my least favourite companions were Adric, Mel and Rose. 

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It is refreshing to meet a fan of the Sylvester McCoy / Colin Baker era denton83! Perhaps I should re watch with new eyes.

Going to add a 'Who is Your Favourite Doctor' poll ot the top of this thread !


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conflicted domino wrote:

It is refreshing to meet a fan of the Sylvester McCoy / Colin Baker era denton83! Perhaps I should re watch with new eyes.

Going to add a 'Who is Your Favourite Doctor' poll ot the top of this thread !

 Most of Colin Baker's tv stories are awful. It's only since he started doing Big Finish audio stories that i have really enjoyed the 6th Doctor as they are better stories.


-- Edited by denton83 on Sunday 17th of June 2012 02:50:02 PM

Team DaMo
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so more than any TV i've ever watched Doctor Who has made me...me!! as i was only born in 1979 my earliest WHO memory is the start of The Trial of a timelord in 1986 - loved the McCoy era after that. devastated when it got axed in 1989. during the dark 'not on TV years' became a bigger fan thanks to VHS copies & UK Gold repeats. Loved the 'flawed' McGann Movie in 1996 and adore the revived series since 2005. enjoy all the doctors but favs are - 11th, 10th, 9th & 7th, 5th Doctors. fav stories The Caves of Androzani, The Curse of Fenric...too many to mention now!


'10 minutes is all i ask..supervised off course. just so i can do a quick run round with the hoover and sort out the recycling..'

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wow.. a true Who Fan then Matty....and another who likes the period I thought I didn't.. definitely need to re-watch and give it another chance! you really know your episodes!

Looks like Matt Smith is the fave Doctor so far according to our poll!


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Team DaMo
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John Pertwee was my first Doctor, I'm of a certain age!

After him, I enjoyed Peter Davison the most, out of the Classic era Doctors, and Matt smith is definitely my favourite 'NuWho' Doctor.

I'd quite like to see more Being Human actors pop up in Doctor Who, and vice versa.

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sedatedsoul wrote:
areyousomehowdrunk wrote:
conflicted domino wrote:

There was a rumour on twitter about Damien being the next Doctor..it sparked quite a debate !

 Hmm, a rumour as in 'I would like Damien to be the new doctor' or 'I heard that he will be the new doctor'? I hope the second, I would really like him to be the new doctor!

 I agreebiggrin I was into Doctor Who when David Tennant came in and Matt Smith is great in it but to me Damien would be perfect for the roleevileye

 There has been both  the 'I heard Damien will be the new Doctor' and the 'I hope that he will be', although when I inquired about the former, no source was given so it is more likely to be wishful thinking I feel.

I have conflicting feelngs on it, but Damien would make a wonderful Doctor  and I can just imagine the kind of Doctor he would make! 


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There was a rumour on twitter about Damien being the next Doctor..it sparked quite a debate !


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conflicted domino wrote:

There was a rumour on twitter about Damien being the next Doctor..it sparked quite a debate !

 Hmm, a rumour as in 'I would like Damien to be the new doctor' or 'I heard that he will be the new doctor'? I hope the second, I would really like him to be the new doctor!


"And Tom is feeding me lots of banana, which Damien hates and Hal also hates"

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areyousomehowdrunk wrote:
conflicted domino wrote:

There was a rumour on twitter about Damien being the next Doctor..it sparked quite a debate !

 Hmm, a rumour as in 'I would like Damien to be the new doctor' or 'I heard that he will be the new doctor'? I hope the second, I would really like him to be the new doctor!

 I agreebiggrin I was into Doctor Who when David Tennant came in and Matt Smith is great in it but to me Damien would be perfect for the roleevileye


"I'm not nice.." 

Team DaMo
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Given that David Tennant got his turn as the Doctor after Russell put him in Casanova, there's a part of me that hopes that Being Human is some kind of showcase for him, and he's being groomed to take over from Matt one day.

Matt was only in a handful of TV roles before he got the job, so it's entirely plausible. And Toby Whithouse does write for Doctor Who, so it's possible he's dropped hints to Moffat. (Though I'm still convinced that Toby will take over as showrunner when Moffat steps down, so he might be saving him for his own reign).

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SteelMoth wrote:

Given that David Tennant got his turn as the Doctor after Russell put him in Casanova, there's a part of me that hopes that Being Human is some kind of showcase for him, and he's being groomed to take over from Matt one day.

Matt was only in a handful of TV roles before he got the job, so it's entirely plausible. And Toby Whithouse does write for Doctor Who, so it's possible he's dropped hints to Moffat. (Though I'm still convinced that Toby will take over as showrunner when Moffat steps down, so he might be saving him for his own reign).

 I really hope you're right! smile


"And Tom is feeding me lots of banana, which Damien hates and Hal also hates"

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It would be awesome for Damein to be the next Doctor, but only after a few more series of Being Human!


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

Damien Molony Army
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Iv been watching doctorwho since i was 5 years old i'm now 14 and David Tennant is still my doctorwho hero :) Xx


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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@Steelmoth fascinating thinking process..I agree, the possibilty seems entirely plausible.

I would say that Damien doesn't need 'grooming' for anything, it is testament to his acting that so many fans who were invested in the previous Being Human lineup, especially Aidan / Mitchell, were so completely bowled over by his portrayal of Hal. He has already shown himself to be a mega talent, with a more than impressive range within that one character, he could turn his hand to anything and you cannot help but feel the future is bright, and BIG for him...for me personally Doctor Who as an iconic British institution could almost perhaps contain him into TV, when I have a personal penchant for him becoming a film actor!

@Sami It is deeply challenging to begin to even think of Damien as anything other than Hal on the screen for me too, but I also can see in him such massive potential to evolve into..... anything1


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Glad to see a topic on here for Whovians! Makes me feel right at home!! I only discovered Doctor Who about 3 months ago (because America is lame) but it's all I ever do or talk about anymore!! I have irritated all my family and friends beyond belief with my "Doctor Who ramblings"!!
On another note, it would be great to see Damien on Doctor Who, but (even though I love Damien and think is one of the best actors ever) I don't think he is right to play the Doctor...

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Lol! this sounds very familiar Madison, I'm the same with Being Human, evangelical to the extreme and attempting to convert everyone that crosses my path!

I think i agree with you about Damien, but also feel he would be brilliant in the role, but not necessarily wanting to see him in it for the reasons already mentioned. Out of curiosity, when you say Damien is not right to play the Doctor, do you mean that you cannot imagine him in that role?


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