One of Damien's film shorts written and directed by Hanna Maria Heidrich and Alex Eslam co-starring Fiona Hampton, ‘When The Hurlyburly’s Done’, appears in this set of short film reviews by a theatre blogger. Enjoyable to read and reminds me just what a class act this award winning film is.
"The design and its overall look is hugely impressive and it really feels like a teaser from a full feature film rather than a 12 minute short. And suitably, it has an epic sweep to its story featuring an illicit affair, a dying woman and a promise to love beyond death. It may sound a little melodramatic but it is powerfully told by writer/directors Hanna Maria Heidrich and Alex Eslam and in a cleverly prescient bit of casting, Damien Molony appears pre-Being Human but tackling the exact kind of moral dilemma that Hal dealt with on a weekly basis. He carries off the role extremely well, with Fiona Hampton as the blood-soaked woman whose fate rests in his hands."
Let's face it as we've said before elsewhere on the forum, we'd all buy it HalGal, especially if it has Making Rosebud and the elusive The List on it too!