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Topic: Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien

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Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March

Also gifts for Damien included a t-shirt....


Back view



And the front....




and finally for when the run finishes...



He said he can't wait to get rid of the beard and promised to tweet a clean shaven picture :)

-- Edited by woomewithtulips on Friday 7th of March 2014 10:03:12 PM

-- Edited by whimsyfox on Friday 7th of March 2014 11:58:43 PM


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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RE: Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March

Nice! Sounds like fun was had by all :)


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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Becca, so, you like the photo of all of us together where Shoe's hat is covering me.  I see how that is... 


Hey everyone, I was privileged to have seen this play 3 times last week (cuz that's totally normal behaviour) and was at the Q&A and met Damien twice-ish.  (we were shunned the third time, but got an apology so hence the ish)  I have photos and stories to share... it will just be a while.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March

Aww Whimsy I miss your face! 

Here's my favourite pic of you...What were you thinking? ;)


(Sorry these are sideways, I can't get them to rotate!)


*** mod edit: all your pics are rotated correctly.  You're very welcome! wink

-- Edited by whimsyfox on Saturday 8th of March 2014 12:00:27 AM


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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RE: Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March

Ahh! Welcome back, Whimsy!! I've seen one of your pix with him on Twitter, but I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!!!!!! Glad you had a great time!


"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius,
and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
Marilyn Monroe

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Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March


yup, I'm chicka chicka back!  posting anything while I was on the trip proved near impossible.  Didn't even get to do much on twitter.  will share as I can.


Becca, I fixed all your pics.  You're such a ceefax person. As to what I was thinking... big and shiny... shoes...


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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RE: Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March

Yay! thanks for posting your awesome pics Becca, I saw them on twitter but glad you are sharing them here
awesome t-shirt, and other inspired gift!! biggrin:

Also saw some totally EPIC selfies with DaMo on twitter - if anyone reading this has one, please feel free to post them too!

I am blessed to have heard all about your Saturday experience in real life on Sunday Whimsy (coolbounce) but cannot wait to read your account of all three play outings!


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It's almost 2 months since the first time I saw this play......and I think it's fair to say that I've thought about it pretty much every day since.  It's tempting to say I feel haunted by it....but that might sound a bit corny!

It was brilliant to see how it evolved between the last preview night and my second time....6 weeks later.  There was definately much more swinging chairs around 1st time....I wonder how many people got clobbered before that changed?!  But, although I thought it was perfect first time.....6 weeks later it (bizarrley) felt less rehursed.  I guess their familiarity with it made it more natural.....it flowed better.  One of the beautiful things about live theatre is that no two performances are the same - I went to see this 3 times altogether........and each experience was very different.  Just gotta say that the 2nd time - when a crowd of us went on 1st March......Damien absolutely nailed it!  It was a breathtakingly awesome performance!  I feel incredibly privilaged to have got to see this.  And a part of me is heartbroken to think it's ended now.  If I got the chance I would absolutely go and see it again........

This is not the post I intended to write....so I'll have to come back to it sometime......



".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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Beautiful post fifi no need to change a thing about it


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Awwww! Thanks for the post fifi! It was lovely!


"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius,
and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
Marilyn Monroe

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In a bit of serendipitous synchronicity... Dan O'Brien will be doing a reading online the same day as Damien's Yeats reading airs, this Sunday Aug 31st at noon time Pacific, which is 8pm UK time:  https://plus.google.com/events/cp41cigrkrn6p5r82jk73sp9qqg

It's on google plus and I'm not sure how that works, but if you follow that link you can submit questions for Dan ahead of time and they will be answering after the readings.  Anyone have a question about The Body of an American still burning in the backs of their minds?


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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This is very cool whimsy! thank you for letting us all know


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Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March


Congratulations to Dan O'Brien, who has been nominated for the Charlies Wintour Award for Most Promising Playwright (The Body Of An American) in the 2014 London Evening Standard Theatre Awards!


Evening Standard Theatre Awards


Barney Norris, Visitors, Arcola

Dan O’Brien, The Body Of An American, Northampton Royal & Derngate and Gate Notting Hill

Beth Steel, Wonderland, Hampstead



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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RE: Damien in 'The Body Of An American' by Dan O'Brien | The Gate Theatre 16 Jan-14 Feb, Royal & Derngate 27 Feb-8 March

Very well deserved! The Body of an American was a spectacular play that has really stayed with me.

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Not forgetting that the play, Damien and William Gaminara, and Director James Dacre have all received Off West End Theatre Award (Offies) noms! (more on that here)


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Well done Dan!  I'm really pleased for him.  I agree, rosie, it is a play that stays with you - clever, disturbing, funny and beutifully written.  It's interesting reading the reviews as each one gives a slightly different emphasis as to what the play is actually about - it deals with so many different themes simultaneously as effortlessly as the dialogue shifts from one actor to another.   I've got my fingers crossed.......for all of the nominations that it has recieved - they are all totally well deserved.


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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I would have really wanted to see this, but after all feedback I'm so pleased for Dan about his nomination! He truly seems to deserve it! Damien has been around so many successful people and projects lately! :)


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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