Damien has just made his seventh blood donation and continues to encourage others to do the same, ReTweeting those who send him their after-donation photo on Twitter.
We would like to do another article on fans who have been inspired by our favourite actor to donate blood, and would love to hear from anyone who would like their story included.
You never know, it may be read by the man himself!
Do you have a post donation photo and would like to be included in our feature on Damien Molony fans who have given blood (which we will tweet to Damien) and help raise awareness with other fans?
Feel free to reply in this topic or contact me at admin@damienmolony.org
Only wish i could.. , i gave over ten units and then gave one on a hot day, dieting, and talking to a friend in a car park and had a delayed faint and can never give again... Don't want to put anyone off, it was my fault and really regreted it ever since. Its some thing that folk can do for anyone and a really generous and thoughtful thing to do. Only advise is to be sensible afterwards as i know i could do it again but not allowed, and trust me i have tried, more than once...
Sorry to hear of your experience Kallie, well done for trying. The heat and lack of food were probably not ideal factors.
As you say, it would be a huge shame to put anyone else off from trying as the vast majority of those able to donate have no problems, so below is a link to stories of other forumers and Damien who have given blood multiple times:
Just to add, there are many of us who, for whatever reason are sadly unable to give blood, but can still do our bit by spreading the word and encouraging others, friends, family, co-workers, to!