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Topic: CRASHING 1.02 | Episode Guide | Poll

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CRASHING 1.02 - What did you think? [19 vote(s)]

5 stars - EXCELLENT!
4 stars - Good TV
3 stars - loved the Damien bits, the rest not so much
2 stars - it was OK
1 star - could take it or leave it
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CRASHING 1.02 | 18 Jan 2016 | Episode Guide

I enjoyed ep2 more than ep1 too.  It felt like it wasn't trying so hard.....was a little more subtle (a little).  Although I knew they were all going to turn up at the restaurant together...it still made me laugh when it happened.  Have to say that Melody was probably my favourite character this week (tho I'm a bit disappointed that she didn't say "it's a riot" at any point).  The "I need to run an errand" "A what?" "An errand" "A what?" "An errand" "You'll have to use another word" made me laugh way more than it should've!  And "What do you want?" "I want a fork" "I'll fork you"! ....I could go on....

Sam and Fred.... Bless them both!!

Loved the opening scene....and the mime scene through the window with Lulu and Kate was genius. 

I thought the characters were all a bit less annoying this week - a bit less caricature-y.....more realistic (or maybe I was just more prepared for it).  Except Kate - which is a shame because when she's not being ott, but just a bit uptight - like blowing out the candles in the bath - she's probably funnier......  And I really enjoyed "chill" drunk Kate at the end of last weeks ep. I'm oscillating between being annoyed by her, and feeling very sympathetic towards her.  I mean....everybody has, as some point, done something as mortifyingly stupid as sending a stapler to somebody who doesn't exist, and then got caught out - haven't they?  ....just me then.... 

Favourite line at the end - rather than the penis line - was probably....."it would be like touching up a monkey which I had raised myself"  What???!


 Oh yeah.....and totally agree it needs to be longer.  When it stopped for the ad break it felt like it'd only just starte - it definitely needs a bit more room to breathe....




-- Edited by fifi on Tuesday 19th of January 2016 12:44:46 PM


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Agree with most of what everyone said. Wish it were longer. I liked that this week was less chaotic and more toned down and real. I actually love Kate even more in this episode! I think she's hilarious. And her and Anthony in bed at the end... so adorable... so jealous LOL

Really enjoyed it! Lots of "LOL" moments. Damien at the restaurant, the stapler, Melody was great in this ep too. Can't wait for next week!

Also, I love Damien/Anthony but what a wimp he is! HAHA Man up, boy!

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Wow @The Daily Mail - isn't Crashing Tory enough for you?!!!! Biggest pile of crap review I have ever read!!!!! Can't have people liking a show that highlights the shit state of the housing market or heaven forbid an alternative to 'affordbale housing'!!Seriously people don't buy this shit excuse for a paper !!

"a brilliant premise. So it’s bizarre that writer and star Phoebe Waller-Bridge almost completely ignores the setting and concentrates on the foul-mouthed, one-dimensional characters, who haven’t a fraction of the comic potential."

Wtf!!! Wrong on every point! The setting is very much the focus as well as the characters - in last night's ep, Lulu's new room, the shelf in bathroom, light crashing in bathroom, shelf crashing in living room area, the interior and exterior shots... the location lives and breathes through the entire show. It is the show!!!

'One dimensional'? For the genre these characters are remarkably not one note. Crashing is unique in that way and in a mere 30 mins manages to layer in lots of different tones.

'Foul mouthed'? well... welcome to life! And, it's funny!


"As for Damien, he doesn’t have any personality at all: he’s just there for the two women to bicker over."

dare AND Not that I agree but I THINK YOU MEAN ANTHONY!!! 



Someone stop me now because if you're bothered by language I am biting my tongue and really really ready to RANT!!!!

People are of course entitled to their opinion, but this reeks of something else, and is inaccurate!


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Whenever I see a review full of vitriol like that I think it's because the writer has no talent themselves.

I normally don't like crudity or bad language - the phrase "pushing the boundaries" normally has me pulling my hair out in rage yet I find this funny - it's all in context and I wouldn't say it's foul - mouthed, just sometimes rather appropriate. Having said that I'm also a great fan of Sarah Millican, who can be very foul-mouthed but who is just so funny when she talks about fellow sand-dancers, Makems and Geordie. (A sand-dancer is someone, like Miss Millican, who is from South Shields. Very non-pc in origin but most people don't realise that - and they're NOT Geordies; a Makem is from Sunderland.)

I totally agree with your review of that review, domino!

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This may be an unpopular opinion, and it's not often I say this, but I agree with the Daily Mail review.

I'm finding the characters very one dimensional, Lulu is the kooky one, Kate is the uptight one, Sam is the cocky but not really one, Melody the liberal artist, Fred the sweet & shy one and Anthony well I'm not sure what he is except indecisive and just something for the girls to fight over.

I at least raised a smile this week at Colin being chased around the yard by Melody but struggled to find the funny anywhere else.

Crashing has sadly landed itself with the take it or leave it one star rating from me and in all honesty if Damien wasn't in it it would most certainly be on the leave it pile.


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It's an ok comedy that's finding its feet. Hopefully in time it will sort itself out more. I don't get how a lot of the reviews are finding it "foul mouthed". It's quite tame really. it's not pushing any boundaries or anything but its off to a steady start and that review is very harsh for something thats starting out. Whatever the Mail write about they have an agenda planned in advance so not taking any notice of what they have to say.

-- Edited by Hes_A_Bloke on Tuesday 19th of January 2016 11:46:44 PM


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You know, as much as I'm loving Crashing - I really do - and I'm finding Damien absolutely adorable, the one thing I kinda agree with the Daily Mail and Becca is the fact that Anthony is in essence a plot device in the love triangle.  I'm not saying there isn't depth or we won't see depth out of him, but really there isn't anything in the story that's his alone.  Unless you count the fact that he's a chef and we got to see him at work.  But you know what, I DON'T CARE. I love me a good love triangle!  I can totally see him as the object of multiple attractions, and he makes the whole situation feel more natural than the two girls which are being portrayed a bit more OTT.  I didn't find him so waffly in ep 2, I felt he was making a concerted effort to give his attention back to Kate, the sleep peeking scene notwithstanding. There's no way to deny he has feelings for Lulu, but he really does seem to love Kate and showed his devotion to her in this episode. (ep 3 might waffle him back around, but I'm just giving my impression of his behavior in ep 2)  And someone mentioned he has to man up.  Well he did end up fixing the broken bath.

Speaking of the girls, I actually found Lulu less annoying this time, and still sympathized with Kate.  I don't find her annoying, I think her paranoia seems completely justified.  Her drunk scene in ep 1 I feel is very significant.  I think she feels she HAS to be the adult in the group. And that gets her labeled as anal.  The "lunch meeting" scene was hilarious, and there was almost a bit of comraderie between them when the woman came over to suck face with Kate's "supposed client".


I guess Mikey it's all a bit dependent on what you watch if this feels foul mouthed or not.  I get exposure to quite a bit more risqué shows (OITNB comes to mind) but the language in Crashing is quite inventive beyond the random "f*ck".  Love it!  It feels somehow natural in this group. However, some people just do not like any sort of cursing.


Other than what was said about Anthony and the love triangle, the Daily Mail can f*ck off.  Not even giving them the satisfaction of a click to read the entire thing.


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I wasn't really referring to the swearing as such. It's on at 10pm so is allowed swearing. I was thinking more that people seem be be offended by words like 'tampon. THE HORROR! I do love comedies that push people from their comfort zone of humour so just confused why people are getting their knickers in a twist when other shows are ruder. I think its inherent of everyday sexism sadly. It's written by a woman so Daily Mail readers and the like think women shouldn't be so "brash" aand more "ladylike"

It might be intentional that Anthony is a bit lost in the mix, Phoebe herself describes him as "weak" and his favourite film will be whatever Kates' favourite film is. He likes to fit in, not stand out.

-- Edited by Hes_A_Bloke on Wednesday 20th of January 2016 07:46:11 AM

-- Edited by Hes_A_Bloke on Wednesday 20th of January 2016 07:47:25 AM


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On the subject of the characters being introduced by their main characteristics and being one dimensional.

I don't have a problem with each character in an ensemble group having identifiable things about them.. in fact I rather like it.. and isn't that the norm in most intros to new characters? in terms of comedy, Friends and Big Bang Theory come to mind, each character has indentifiable traits distinguishing them from each other.

Except with those shows, there is little or no layering or shades to the characters, where in Crashing there really is. It's just not the case that the characters are one dimensional... look at Sam for instance... there is a lots going on there, some of it explicit much of it implied, all of the characters have more going on inside than is being expressed on the outside, some are trying to be something they are not, some are in denial.. but these characters have shades and subtleties in ways that other sitcom comedies do not... even some dramas!  And Crashing has achieved way more than an introduction in a very short space of time.

As for Anthony being a plot device, he's a pretty vivid plot device if that's what he is! lol! He's central to the whole show in fact. Maybe his vacillating between the two women is annoying to some but he is front and centre to the whole show.. but even if he wasn't, a show where the focus is on the lead female characters is a good thing, and this is a very pro woman show.

This is why I don't like the Mail article -   and it reads like political spin. It reads like it's trying to brainwash people. 


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domino wrote:

As for Anthony being a plot device he's a pretty vivid plot device if that's what he is! lol! He's central to the whole show in fact. Maybe his vacillating between the two women is annoying to some but he's front and centre.. but even if he wasn't a show where the focus is on the lead female characters is a good thing, and this is a very pro woman show.


This! He's the central of the whole show indeed! And I think this will reach more different people and be good to his career, no matter what will happen to the show. 

I have to agree with you Mikey (Hi Mikey!aww) I don't think the show is "foul mouthed" at all. Conversations have been quite normal. People swear sometimes. It's normal.

And the show has only started, it's finding its feet but it's very promising. Characters and story can evolve pretty much to anything! I enjoy so much seeing Damien in comedy. It's just pure joy!

Whimsy, I couldn't agree more what you said about Daily Mail



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Hello Jozie! When are you coming back to England. We need to get drunk and talk nonsense again!

Yes, I agree with you. These are the kind of conversations people have and the language they use. I said "they" as if I wasn't a person myself. I might not be one. Who knows.

I think Lulu is getting the worst stick on twitter. Mostly that she's unlikeable and selfish but I just think she's aloof. There was much better opinion of this episode with the hashtag this week though which is a good thing.


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I liked Lulu a little bit better this time. I thought she made a good effort at staying away from Anthony and trying to get along with everyone. Circumstances just made everything awkward.  And Phoebe didn't seem to be trying so hard to be funny, it was more natural.  I admire her for creating this sassy brainchild of a show, even if she still rubs me the wrong way a bit.  I think that's residual Broadchurch feels.  


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Hes_A_Bloke wrote:

Hello Jozie! When are you coming back to England. We need to get drunk and talk nonsense again!

 Haha!biggrin I try my best to visit every year! aww 

I sadly missed the first ep but I'm getting there image that Lulu wasn't quite likeable at the first ep. I sort of liked her, and yes, her love to Anthony (which is very obvious) is something that have always existed. 

I got image that Anthony have loved Lulu as a friend but there is some sparkle between them and always have been. They're now friends and their lives have been going to different directions and for Lulu it must be hard to see someone you have always loved starting a new life with somebody else.

And like I said before, that's why when Anthony said to Lulu that he is not in love with her, I think he was trying to say that to himself more than to her. Almost like telling her that it is too late for them and making things clear for both of them. Or it just might be that Anthony sees through her and knows that she is in love with him but it's not just gonna happen between them. Or can't happen between them. Lulu is trying to accept that they can't be anything else than friends. And she was coping quite well.

Kate sees that they love each other but she wants to know that they are not in love with each other and would Lulu be threat to her. Can't wait to see what happens in next ep. 


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Hes_A_Bloke wrote:

It's an ok comedy that's finding its feet. Hopefully in time it will sort itself out more. I don't get how a lot of the reviews are finding it "foul mouthed". It's quite tame really. it's not pushing any boundaries or anything but its off to a steady start and that review is very harsh for something thats starting out. Whatever the Mail write about they have an agenda planned in advance so not taking any notice of what they have to say.

 Not only is the series finding it's feet, but this is Phoebe whatserface's first attempt at writing for tv - or at least the first thing she's had broadcast.  Writing a full series for tv must be very different from writing for live performance.....I think she's made a pretty impressive start!  Although it made me laugh, I did feel that the 1st ep was just trying a bit too hard to be 'edgy' - (eg. - she trampled all over the 'tampon' joke.....it would've been much funnier if she'd left it at 'can I do anything?'.....).  But I agree that it's not really pushing any boundaries.  I suspect that most of the 'foul mouthed' comments are because of the word **** - that word seems to particularly offend people.....

It's interesting what people mean when they talk about liking/not liking a fictional character..... You can still enjoy a character that you don't 'like' (and probably vice vera).  Although I sympathise with Kate, she is starting to annoy me....irritate me perhaps - a lot of the time she's just a bit ott....and I'm not sure that's the character's fault.  Sam is ott, but that is his character, so it's not irritating.  Lulu is an annoying character, and she did irritate me somewhat in ep1 but I 'liked' her more in ep2....even though she's still annoying.  Capisce??!

Anthony is a bit wishy-washy.....but as Mikey pointed out - Phoebe said he's weak.  And I'm with whimsy on this one - I really don't care!!  I'm totally enjoying him cool.  And as for the Daily Mail article.....even if they got themselves a bit mixed up between the actor and the character...at least they spelt his name right!  Though if they managed to miss the references to it being set in a disused hospital, I'm not entirely sure they watched it at all!





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fifi wrote:

 Not only is the series finding it's feet, but this is Phoebe whatserface's first attempt at writing for tv - or at least the first thing she's had broadcast.  Writing a full series for tv must be very different from writing for live performance.....I think she's made a pretty impressive start!  

I do agree with this. She's definitely got promise if this is her first attempt. And all shows are a bit shakey at the beginning as cast and crew get comfortable and characters find their voice. I also think she's gotten hit with a massive time constraint which affects how well you can storytell and develop your characters. If this were a 1 hr show it would have time to breathe, time for the punchlines to actually get absorbed before the next joke hits.  So giving her extra leeway for that.

And I'm going to call her Phoebe whatserface from now on! LOL


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A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Phoebe whatserface-bridge

Yes, most people don't like the C word but shows like Peep Show and Fresh Meat don't get classed as foul mouthed. I honestly think thats because they were written by men (the same men actually)


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Phoebe whatser-facidge? 

I've only just realised that I got censored by the forum - that's only ever happened once before (s******ed!) Glad you know which word I was referring to Mikey!  I've never seen Fresh Meat, though DD tells me that Crashing is very much like it.  I think you might be right about the sexism thing - I wonder how much it has to do with the writer being a woman, though......apart from the fact that a man is unlikely to make a joke about a tampon.  Peep show is very blokish - I wonder if it was Sam declaring that c**t was his favourite word whether that would seem less 'foul-mouthed' to the critics? 



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The forum censored you fifi? I thought I'd pretty much allowed most words.. perhaps there is a line where some things become more offensive to more people. Sorry about that!

I agree with you all about Crashing finding its feet.. So far it seems like a marmite show, but I hope people give it a chance! It's impactful immediately and has grabbed me straight away, but there is a slow burn element for all new shows where you are getting to know a group of characters. Especially where the writing is so clever and beyond the frivolous of each episode is a developing arc.


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I personally don't find Peep Show that blokish, Mark is the exact opposite of lad culture. I tried series one of Fresh Meat but could never get into it, will have to give it another go. Maybe the uni age I couldn't relate too ot maybe it was the fact that Jack Whitehall is very annoying!

I get people not liking Crashing, it's the vitriol with which that "review" is written that I take issue with. Shows need time and that happens increasingly less these days.

And fifi, you make a good point, if it was Sam I'm sure it would barely be commented on.

On another note, Colin - stop crying! There's a beautiful french woman falling at your feet!!!!!! GET WITH IT


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I wasn't all that keen on this episode, my boyfriend really enjoyed it though. That's weird because I didn't think he would like the show at all.  

I feel like it needs an hour and tries to cram too much into 30 minutes.  I can't really care about the characters because it moves too fast or something.  I don't watch many half hour shows.  I think Big Bang Theory is the only 30 minute show I watch these days aside from some very unconventional shows like Con Man and The Guild.  Those two have extremely short episodes that are focused around one main character. 

I have to agree with woomewithtulips on this one.  I hate to say it, but at this point I would probably walk away if it wasn't for Damien and the fact that my boyfriend is enjoying.  I hope it sorts itself out.

In all fairness I'm not really a fan of sitcoms in general so they really have to bowl me over usually for me to stick with them.  I wouldn't still be watching Big Bang Theory if I wasn't watching it with friends. 


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I don't want to turn this into a discussion about Peep Show - and I confess that I haven't seen every episode....but the show litereally sees through the eyes of and hears the thoughts of the 2 main protagonists...it's entirely shot from their pov.  And they're both men - maybe not stereotypically macho men, but men nontheless.  That makes it pretty blokish in my mind.


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fifi wrote:

I don't want to turn this into a discussion about Peep Show - and I confess that I haven't seen every episode....but the show litereally sees through the eyes of and hears the thoughts of the 2 main protagonists...it's entirely shot from their pov.  And they're both men - maybe not stereotypically macho men, but men nontheless.  That makes it pretty blokish in my mind.

 Hmm. I'd disagree. I'm catching up on Orphan Black and loving it. ALL the leads are female (for obvious reasons) but I wouldn't describe it as a feminine show. Great writing and performances transcend sex, race, sexuality etc... If the writing is relatable, funny, intersting and so on then that is what matters. I'm a REALLY rubbish "bloke" and Peep Show speaks to me in many ways. I don't watch a show and think "oh, its from the female viewpoint, I won't be interested", if the plot is engaging I'll go with it.

Crashing is a whole mix of characters both men and women. It is clear that the writer is female and I'm not saying that is a bad thing. For years many potentially good females have been underwritten as they've been penned by men. Swings and roundabouts.




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