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Topic: CRASHING 1.05 | Episode Guide | Poll

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CRASHING 1.05 - What did you think? [14 vote(s)]

5 stars - EXCELLENT!
4 stars - Good TV
3 stars - loved the Damien bits the rest not so much
2 stars - it was 'OK'
1 star - I could take it or leave it
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RE: CRASHING 1.05 | 8 Feb 2016 | Episode Guide | Poll

I found it funny! and sad at the same time. Poor Fred! Lachie Chapman losing it was hilarious though...


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Little did Anthony know, his delicate mix of 3 very unusual sought after spices was about to receive an unusual flavour injection...




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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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blehIt was so hilariously disgusting! Particularly when Kate asked if Anthony had put alcohol in it!

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It's going to be long time until I can cook or eat a curry again....

Kate had to eat it with her hands too...


I just have to say, again.. how much I love the 'We Don't Give A Fork' concept and the restaurant... and Anhony's T-shirts (he has the best collection)


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Classic situation comedy moment!
"Life is a buffet Anthony I told you that!"



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That was appropriately dysfunctional for a penultimate ep!  I guess in some ways it was more serious, but there were some brilliant one liners, and some wonderful comedy moments - Anthony declaring that he's more intuitive than he gives himself credit for; the random couple suddenly appearing to raise their hands in Sam's vote; Colin slowly leaning away from Sam as Sam leaned towards Colin when Will asked him if he knew an inspriational older man he could lean on.....in fact the whole Colin egging Sam on to phone the Samaritans was great!

I think I've found my comedy threshold tho.....I really couldn't find anything funny about Kate eating the curry after Lulu threw up in it.  Kinda spoiled the 'have you put alcohol in this' joke for me....might have been funny if she'd only sniffed it.....

Loved the fight...and Will's narcissistic rant.


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RPLovesIpswich wrote:

I think all the characters revealed their true colours in this episode. Anthony is definitely not ready to commit to Kate if his reaction to thinking that Kate was pregnant is anything to go by, and moving away from Lulu is not going to solve the issues. Sam's jealousy really reared its ugly head.

The scene with the big fight was really tense rather than being funny.

 I think Anthony's reaction to hearing that Kate was pregnant was understandable/normal considering they were property guardians in the process of being evicted with absolutely no security.  And however over the top his relief might have been when he found out she wasn't (and she did also say she hoped she wasn't...) he was totally prepared to be positive about it once he'd had a moment to get used to the idea, and he decided he needed to talk to Kate about it, rather than pretending it hadn't happened.  I think that's the most supportive and committed behaviour we've seen from Anthony all series.... Shame he immediately fucked it up with his reaction to Sam and Lulu sleeping together!

But didn't Anthony telling Kate in the restaurant that he didn't care about Lulu sound very much like Anthony telling Lulu that he didn't care about Kate in the very first ep.....

-- Edited by fifi on Thursday 11th of February 2016 03:19:10 PM


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Anthony's reactions in this ep!


Anthony devastated about him and kate...



His response to Kate's visit with balloon



His response to Kate being pregnant..








and not being pregnant...



to Sam and Lulu sleeping together






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That last one really, really made me laugh.....how come he looks so much more dishevelled than the others??!?


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fifi wrote:

That last one really, really made me laugh.....how come he looks so much more dishevelled than the others??!?

 Cuz he's more dishevelled on the inside?


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I thought it was funny that he didn't look anywhere near as dishevelled when he was in the tangle of bodies on the floor!

Such an incredible range of facial expressions!

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I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the others - I nevery thought I would say this, but just too much Sam and his silly voice!

I loved Anthony's response to the 'news' of Kate's pregnancy - sitting on the loo, stunned - you could see him weighing up his lack of options! His relief at finding out it wasn't true was hilarious.

Feeling sad that next week is the last episode, really hoping for another series.

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RPLovesIpswich wrote:

Such an incredible range of facial expressions!

 This! So bloody watchable. Damo makes it look easy doesn't he? 


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I could have done without Lulu vomiting in the food and Kate eating it, but overall I really enjoyed the episode.  How did Will's towel not fall off though while rolling around on the floor? 


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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It's a magical TV towel!!

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Belated response!:

I didn't find the first half very funny, it felt like nothing really happened in part one but it was setting itself up for lots of punchlines in a much better second half.

I don't think Kate or Lulu are good for Anthony. Or he would be good for either of them either. I find it strange that he feels he can outwardly tell Lulu that she isn't allowed to sleep with someone. There's elements of contol about it and when things are out of his remit (like Kate dancing around topless) he totally freaks and can#t handle it.

Melody is my fave now and not just because she looked amazing in the dress.

This episode centred around Sam's selfishness and will to get his own way. I can't decide if he really fancies Fred or not. Maybe he just likes to be in charge of him!


* pretend there's a hot GIF of Jenna Coleman here :-) *

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Also late response, I did vote a few days ago.  For the first time I gave it a 3.  Yes I suppose this episode brought out the truth in everyone, and I found it hard to laugh much at all.  First of all, Lulu has turned out to be a disgusting person.  I guess it's a roll reversal on the slobbish, drunken, can't be counted upon guy.  I don't find her funny or precocious or lost or anything.  She's my least favorite person in this.  I don't see why Anthony is attracted to her at all, must be in their history, since he's been in love with her since they were 14, because he's so comfortable with her.  But she's kinda rank.  And just someone you can't count upon.  Why does he keep confinding in her.  Anthony and Kate are getting annoying with their dancing around their emotions and it's weird that I don't like Lulu, but feel it is a good thing she shook things up so that all of their problems can be out in the open. I am looking forward to seeing if they resolve things in the last episode and hope they just don't continue in denial.  Sam.  Oh Sam, how low you've sunken.  I'm not sure if I applaud him for showing Fred that Will was willing to cheat on him, or if I despise him for his selfishness.  Things are certainly not black and white in any of the relationships between the guardians, but the thing between Fred and Sam is so complicated.  I just don't want to see Fred hurt.  And then Melody and Colin.  She is deffo my favorite as well, but that was a whopper at the end.  I feel I should have seen it coming.  Poor Colin, he was finally moving on from his wife.  

So, I still like the show overall, I want to see what happens and would like more series, but I'm hoping they all work through lots of the issues and GROW UP.  I think the show has potential to continue to be entertaining, or even more entertaining, if they give up some of the over the top antics that I feel are there for shock value.  


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Thanks to everyone who has voted in the poll and commented on this episode so far. For those who haven't, come on in and join in!

Mikey, you're a fickle man! Also there is an interesting clothing connection to your fancying choices.

Sam more than fancies Fred imo, he has feeeeeeeeelings for him.....! That flowering plant scene was adorable

Totally agree about Anthony, he is one confused man... the controlling who Lulu can sleep with only seems to extend to Sam though, (remember the throwing the condom pack scene when Lulu brought a guy home from work? he didn't seem too bothered then) but it is more than just a good friend being red zoned to another good friend. As Lulu told him in the previous episode "I can fuck who I like". I do feel sympathy for Anthony though... and a bit of frustration as his self denial... but the whole thing is what provides the tension and comedy and endless scenarios!

Whimsy, yeah poor Fred... Sam was so busy trying to sabotage Will he totally overrode Fred's feelings. It is like noone else can have Fred but he isn't ready to be honest and act on his feelings either. I think this is clever writing though, keeps the Fram story alive but changes the dynamic and allows new tensions to continue.

And for me it's their issues that make the show the excellent situation comedy that it is!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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It seems to me that Anthony likes to keep Kate and Lulu in little boxes in his mind and not allow them any nuances to their personalities. If he can control them and keep them behaving how he expects them too then he feels more in control of himself and his feelings for them both.

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I rather agree with whimsy that I can't see what Anthony's attraction to Lulu is.  I would imagine that when they were 14 he could have found her to be quite exciting....and the way that he seems to lean on her emotionally suggests that she has always been top dog in their relationship.  But I would have thought that by now he would just be quite wary/weary of her.  Kate is so much the antithesis of Lulu it's almost like he's gone out of his way to find somebody who's very steady and reliable.  It is weird that he thinks he can forbid Lulu and Sam from sleeping together - and I'd almost forgotten that he was OK with her being with the guy from the office.....maybe it is a control thing.....but maybe he just thinks they would be a disaster together.  I'm inclined to agree!  But it's obviously not a completely one way situation......Anthony asked Lulu 'what's wrong with this one' about Kate on curry night, which suggests that she's broken up his relationships in the past.  

And yeah...Sam is totally as confused about Fred as Anthony is about Kate and Lulu.  (I loved the 'secret flower man' scene too domino).  What he did with Will was really selfish (although Will was a knob Sam really only wanted him gone because he was jealous and wants Fred for himself).......but somehow I feel far more inclined to forgive his outrageous behaviour than I do Lulu.  I'd like to think that isn't just because he's a cute guy.... I think it's because he totally lacks self awareness whereas Lulu's lack of consideration feels more like a deliberate choice.

Poor Colin!  Just as he thought he'd got it sussed he's also been thrown back into a state of confusion!  And long may all the confusion last!!  As domino said....it's their issues which make the situation comedy so I doubt very much we'll get much of a resolution tomorrow night.  Looking forward to finding out how it'll all ends....at least for now.


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