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Topic: CRASHING 1.06 | Episode Guide | Poll |

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CRASHING 1.06 - What did you think? [14 vote(s)]

5 stars - EXCELLENT!
4 stars - Good TV
3 stars - loved the Damien bits the rest not so much
2 stars - it was 'OK'
1 star - I could take it or leave it
Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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RE: CRASHING 1.06 | 15 Feb 2016 | Episode Guide | Poll | (SERIES FINALE - SPOILERS!!!)

Has anyone else wondered how Lulu and Anthony grew up together when Anthony is Irish and Lulu is not?!

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I'm sorry but the entire cast annoyed me intensely this evening and I wanted to slap Anthony! The episode didn't make me laugh and Anthony and Lulu just made me all kinds of cross. Maybe it was the mood I was in but apart from Melody, they were all SUPER annoying. Just two stars from me unfortunately.


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But, that magnetism and tension between Anthony and Lulu had to be released in the end and there was something right about it when it actually happened.

I was not annoyed with him at all until the very last scene, even if he needed that final confirmation from Lulu to go all in, it should not have been an automatic back to Kate if not. Up until that point he had not knowingly deceived her, because his denial was so deep rooted.

The Fram storyline was perfection.

Jozie, excellent re-cap of the hilarious moments!

Rosie, that would be an interesting back story to fill in, but Anthony may have been in London all his life with his family, or moved there? He mentioned his Dad in this episode...

A full on funny and gasp-worthy finale, a fitting end to the whole series. finger crossed it's a 'to be continued'.....



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I just think that if Anthony had spent his whole life in London or wherever it was that he and Lulu came from he would have an accent more similar to hers. If he moved from Ireland as a child then wouldn't he have picked up the local accent because he would have been around other children who spoke like Lulu. It's been bothering me all series which is a really stupid thing to focus on amongst all the tangled relationships, denial and angst!! I just need to let it go!

It did kind of feel that with all the build up of the chemistry between Anthony and Lulu that it was kind of inevitable that they would have sex. If they had both been more honest about their feelings from the start things wouldn't have got so complicated. But then we wouldn't have had 6 episodes of fantastic comedy drama!

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Wow you've given this a lot of thought Rosie!

Yes the tensions within the group especially the Anthony love triangle made for so many epic moments! It was a brilliant series arch, well paced, in my opinion.



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This whole scene, my brain is just.. wahhhhhh!





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RPLovesIpswich wrote:

I just think that if Anthony had spent his whole life in London or wherever it was that he and Lulu came from he would have an accent more similar to hers. If he moved from Ireland as a child then wouldn't he have picked up the local accent because he would have been around other children who spoke like Lulu. It's been bothering me all series which is a really stupid thing to focus on amongst all the tangled relationships, denial and angst!! I just need to let it go!

 They keep saying that Lulu has been in love with Anthony since she was fourteen,  so it's possible that his family moved to the UK when he had just entered his teens. The Irish accent does tend to stick rather than being absorbed into the local patois. I still have a faint Galway accent and I haven't lived there for over forty years. I am constantly asked where I'm from - I usually find that adding 'via Ireland' at the end has people nodding and saying "Oh, yes, of course, I can hear the accent now". Neither my family nor I can hear it at all.

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I voted 3 stars for every episode. It was OK when Damien was on but I really didn't care for the storyline. I hope he does something more classy next time.


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Wow! That was mostly....unexpected!  Which is good.  The series started out as very much an out and out fluffy sitcom....but ended up feeling a bit more like a comedy drama.  There weren't many laughs in that last ep, but it still packed a lot in.

Aargh!  Anthony!!  Somebody give him a slap!!!  I couldn't believe it when he asked Lulu what he should do.  I have to agree with everybody - I didn't think him and Lulu would get it together, but when they did it felt very right!  But I really wanted to give Lulu a good shake too!  Anthony should decide whether or not he wants to be with Kate regardless of his relationship with Lulu - he obviously doesn't want to leave her for Lulu and then find himself on his own...but if she could only be honest with him too....  Maybe she doesn't want to feel responsible for splitting him and Kate up.... But....aargh!!!  Leaving it on that cliffhanger suggests a lot of confidence that there will be a series 2....

Melody and Colin....aww.  I love the way their story has developed.  Their relationship may still be quite complicated, but he's definitely not crying Colin anymore.  And I do love Melody!

Sam actually annoyed me more in this ep than he has in all of the previous eps put together!  OMG....he's such a child!! - and although I think it's totally unintentional - it's really cruel the way he's got Fred on a bit of string and keeps tugging on it.  Although I must admit that the constant phone messages at the start made me laugh.  And the look of bewilderment on his face when he kissed Fred...and then that sweet smile when he laid his head on the bed next to him.  But - alas!!  The way he put his finger to his lips when Fred called him babe makes me think that the denial will continue.....

I didn't dislike the first ep, but it's turned out to be a much better series than I expected.....it's fast paced, funny with some really cringworthy moments and brilliant one liners but I've been totally (almost reluctantly) drawn in by these dysfunctional characters and their complicated relationships and really hope that we get to see more of them. 

My only criticism would be that the episodes never really fitted their timeslot.  With the exeption of a couple of episodes the ad break always arrived with a bit of a jolt, far too soon, and totally interupting the flow (even more so than usual, I mean...)  I really hope that they consider giving it at least a 45 min slot...

After the first ep there were comments about giving the series a chance to find it's feet before judging it....and I think it's done that and some.  And, as this is Phoebe WB's first tv series, I think it could grow into something really great if it gets a chance...so yeah - fingers crossed for s2 (and beyond! biggrin


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ok ok ok....I need to calm down... I cant calm down aghhhh... I have so many questions.... how did kate know... did she see them kissing... I'm totally confused... ive watched that episode 5 times now... god I don't know... some help me

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I think Kate knew because for once Anthony seemed to be really happy and totally relaxed. He seems to be the type of person who needs approval from stronger characters, which is why he's with Kate. He'd been missing the whole night, too - at least I think so, but he wasn't there when Lulu woke up so could have left anytime after.
I get the feeling that Kate has a life plan which includes what she should be doing at what age, and it just happens to include being engaged then married. Anthony is someone who normally does as he is told so fits the plan perfectly. I don't think Kate actually loves Anthony but she thinks she does and I'm sure she'll blame Lulu totally for what has happened rather than face up to what has happened.
I don't blame Lulu for not saying she'd seen Kate pushing Jessica away, I think she just took advantage of the situation. Anthony had diverted on the hunt for Kate quite often - didn't really want to find her no matter what he said. I was pleased when Lulu finally admitted her feelings for Anthony - although I noticed there was no admission from him that he felt the same. Poor girl, she was then asked by him if he should go back to Kate or not - you could see her heart breaking. Basically, she told him to do whatever he wanted to do. I think he went back to Kate not because he wanted to but because he thought it was the right thing to do. If Lulu had said stay with me, he would have. I felt so sorry for her waking up on her own, too - lack of commitment there.
Loved the parts with Melody and Colin - loved it when she smacked him 'naughty colin' while he was unconscious. I found Sam irritating for the second week, I doubt if he'll ever grow up enough to admit his feelings for Fred.
I really, really would love a second series but Crashing has had poor ratings so might not. Fingers crossed, though.

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agreed I would totally love another season... I ship to hard aswell.... all the time I was watching I was like 'please let Anthony get with lulu and sam be with fred'.... also the guy who plays sam once played Leonardo da vinci on cbbc

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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Very artistic!

That was such a hot scene!

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It really was Rosie! And although it was not a straight forward yay, because of all the tangledness that has gone of before, it was definitely a YAY moment when Anthony and Lulu finally gave in to all that chemistry!! And they do look and seem so right for each other.

Mikey, you summed up the episode perfectly and it definitely deserves CAPITAL LETTERS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Catching up on all the wonderful comments here and finding myself nodding and wanting to cut and paste all the bits I agree with.  I actually gave this episode 5 stars, but probably not for the reasons you might think.  I was just happy there wasn't anything disgusting and cringy for once! LOL

I'll just go character by character:

Melody - Melody for the win!  She's all sorts of gold, and kinda in a league all her own.  She's the only one with conviction, the only one that has stayed true to herself and what she wants.  She's like a combination bohemian artist/life coach.  Perhaps daddy issues, we don't know the details, but overall she's just awesome.

Colin - As fifi pointed out, no more Crying Colin.  He's definitely gained confidence in himself and held his own with the young'uns.  Lovely guy, absolutely adore him.  Melody has been the best thing for him.  Anyone else just melt when he said "she's my Melody."?

Sam - I started off with Sam as my favorite, he was self centered and over the top, but still likable.  But like many have pointed out he's become selfish to the point that I don't think he deserves Fred.  There was the moment when he kissed Fred and had his lightbulb moment, that sweet little smile, which redeemed him.  But I'm at odds with him shushing Fred calling him babe.  Will he try to hide his feelings from the other guardians?  If he hurts Fred, I'm putting him on my black list! 

Fred - Sweet, shy Fred has blossomed almost as much as Colin.  He's embraced the crazyness of the hospital, it's brought him out of his shell, and he obviously can handle Sam's self centered, OTT personality.  Can't love Fred enough.  

Kate - I think throughout the show I've had more sympathy for Kate than most people have expressed.  There have been complaints that she emotes too much with her face, that she's anal, that she's leading Anthony on, but she's at least been trying to be a grownup.  I'm in agreement with Ellie that Kate is the type that has a life plan, she's trying to tick the boxes of what's expected by our society to define a successful woman - marriage, house, family, career. She has a bit of desperation about her because women are always told their clock is ticking.  She still gets coy when Anthony takes his top off, but I think she'd already started to admit to herself that she doesn't really love him before Lulu came along.  I think it's probably because she's come to find that she's almost like a mom to Anthony, he's so indecisive and almost helpless.  She can't love someone she can't respect!  But since he provides the perfect opportunity for her to get those boxes ticked, and she's invested time in him already, she feels compelled to continue their relationship.

Lulu - I've made no secret of my dislike of Lulu.  She's juvenile, untrustworthy, and she can be quite disgusting in her habits.  She hasn't done (much) intentionally to drive a wedge between Kate and Anthony, but she has taken advantage of the situation, especially with things said in confidence, and of course the whole Kate is a lesbian thing.  It did feel right when she and Anthony finally got it on, they clearly have been pining for each other since they were teens and they are on par in maturity level, despite Anthony saying he was trying to be an adult. I did feel sorry for her when Anthony asked what he should do.  Her crestfallen face when she realized what he was asking, what he's not willing to do, was heartbreaking.  But unless she matures I still wont really like her.

Anthony - Two words "Man. Up."  Get some balls and do the right thing.  He started out being sympathetic, but as his wishy-washyness has been exposed I've lost all respect for him.  It felt like he was devoted to Kate, he seemed convinced in himself most of the time, but man did the facade fall apart this episode. He was lost the entire episode, clearly not really wanting to find Kate, letting himself get distracted.  He's so lost without a woman to give him guidance.  The whole "she's a lesbian, this explains so much." was not laughable, it was pathetic.  But of course the last straw was when he asked Lulu what he should do.  And, he's so vapid he didn't even seem to notice how heartbroken she was.  Like everyone else, I so wanted to slap him!  He doesn't deserve either of them!

Can we just take a moment to appreciate Jessica as well?  She's been a small but feisty part of the story. Gotta love her gift for guessing penis size and shape.

Having said all that criticism, I'm really, really, really hoping for a S2.  Crashing has been quite a fun ride.  Some great, witty dialog, over the top characters that sometimes annoy but mostly entertain, and hilarious situations.  I've been disgusted a few times, and rated those episodes low, but I've had a blast watching it, have enjoyed seeing Damien in something light.  He does comedy well (just as he does everything else well) and he sure doesn't go for the easy straightforward roles.  Anthony was lovely eye candy (did anyone else think they cut the sexy times with Lulu scene way too soon?), funny, but not a totally sympathetic character.  I'm mad at him right now, but really want to see him mature and do the right thing.  It is obvious they never intended it to be a stand alone series, not with how it ended.  Surely it's a given.

Oh, but I'm not convinced Kate's last words are about what everyone else thinks.  If that scene had continued/continues in S2, her words may not be an accusation about Lulu and Anthony.   They could likely be about something innocuous, and they will still be in denial, and we'll continue to have all the hilarious/disastrous tension and comedy.  Unless Anthony plays the "well I got that out of my system and I choose you Kate" card.  Otherwise how would they all living there together work?


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A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Kate's words were so ambiguous that it could either be the end or the beginning of something new. It would be just like Crashing for the characters to be talking at cross purposes. If Kate means something innocuous will Anthony and Lulu give themselves away accidentally if/when there is a new series.

I agree, whimsy, it was so heart melting when Colin said she's my Melody.

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Ok after a few re watches and more time to digest the whole series a few thoughts about the finale.

Both Anthony and Lulu struggled with their feelings for each other from the get go and this provided the dramatic tension of the whole series.

The clip for this ep was a red herring, that their whole thing was going to go deeper underground and never be spoken out loud or acted upon.

Both Antony and Lulu did actually try to maintain the status quo. Lulu wasn't there to intentionally break them up, in fact the series is peppered with examples of her being a listening ear to Anthony, advising him and helping him with his and Kate's relationship. Even after the point when her feelings had become more obvious to us the viewer, from the visit to Aunt Gladys. When Anthony asked her the first time she pretended she did not love him, which was her doing what she thought was the right thing, in a combination of what must have been heart break seeing Anthony so cut up about Kate and asking her advice about the relationship. Then supporting him with finding her, "That's what I'm here for". There is no manipulation in that, she genuinely does not want to break them up. She denies it, right up until she can;r because she doesn't want to be that woman.

Anthony for his part has probably loved Lulu 'every day of his life since he was fourteen' but has always thought it not reciprocated so he has got on with his life and met and happily engaged to Kate, until Lulu came along. But it is not so much Lulu deliberately messing things up for them, just that the chemistry and compatibiliy between the two becomes more and more difficult to resist / deny... despite his efforts to control the situation.

Anthony's denial is easier to understand in the context of the history of him and Lulu... and him wanting to try to maintain the facade of him and Kate... because he's probably had to come to terms with loving someone but knowing it will never be requited and having to move on with life. It's not like he could stay single pining for Lulu from the age of 14. When she turns up he still in the mind set that it won't be reciprocated. Part of his looking to Lulu for reassurance is about that.

But it is not that straightforward either, and that is what makes this a quality show, the writing has levels and layers. It is when Lulu gets drunk that she begins to 'act out' and cannot keep things bottled...like the orgasm song in ep 3..lol... and in this finale after her genuinely wanting to help Anthony there's that whole scene in the park where she winds him up about Kate... and then they start drinking.... she sees that Kate and Jessica's kiss is not real, but doesn't tell Anthony. It's like the truth has to squeeze out of the edges.. because her feelings are so strong.

And Anthony is quick to jump to the conclusion that she's a lesbian, which is the turning point for him because it releases him from responsibility of being the one to mess up their relationship.

whatever happens in the future, it felt inevitable Lulu and Anthony had to release all that sexual tension which in the end was lots more for both of them.... the pivotal scene was not so much the sex scene but the moment before

Anthony: I'm over it. Kidding around, I'm over it.
Lulu: Ok
Anthony: Do you love me?
Lulu: Look don't, just...
Anthony: Shut up
Lulu: I don't....
Anthony: Just shut up. Do you fucking love me Lulu
Lulu: *nods*
Anthony: Did you come all the way here to break me and Kate up?
Lulu: *shakes head*
Anthony: Do you want to be with me?
Lulu: *nods*
Anthony: Fuck! This is going to be a disaster isn't it

Anthony doesn't need to say how he feels.
Anthony's inability to make a decision was not so much not knowing what he wanted but not knowing what Lulu wanted. The morning after, when he was trying to carry on as normal he realised he couldnt, he went to test the water with Lulu. his asking her what he should do is him asking her was that a one night stand or do you want to be with me? He took it as a rebuff... but when he grabbed her in the kitchen it was like he made a decision to trust himself for the first time.. The more I watch the more it is simple him being indecisive. It's him still feeling insecure about Lulu. Perhaps he should just tell Kate any way and not be in that unhealthy relationship but it feels like Lulu is his one true love and does that mean he has to spend the rest of his life pining for that? We left things at a crucial time, the morning after the first time the truth was out... would he have told Kate anyway?


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I hadn't thought of Anthony asking Lulu what he should do about Kate as his really asking Lulu if things had really changed between them or if it was just a one night stand, domino, but now that you've put that forward it seems right - and typical of their constant misinterpretation of each other. They are both still in denial.
Definitely open ended ready for series two.

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Yes Ellie, "their constant misinterpretation of each other". I've never felt that the lifelong unrequited love was mutual, rather that Anthony had always loved Lulu but he had never thought she loved him back... and when she arrived and they began that game playing, like with the kiss, he genuinely began to question it... but couldn't bring himself to believe it totally.. and he struggled to keep her at arms length, sitting her down and telling her not to mess things up with Kate.. as if the unstated knowing between them was that her teasing and flirting has no foundation for her and she can't now come along and mess things up for Anthony now that he's moving on and getting married! Neither of them acted angelically, but they did both try to keep it all at bay.

How did everyone interpret Anthony's question to Lulu: "Have you loved me every day of your life since you were fourteen?"


To me it was a question to Lulu and an admission that he'd loved her every day of his life since he was fourteen.

and this was an admission too: "Do you think of me every time you have a fanny gallop?" (LOL! not that Anthony has a fanny but ykwim!)

Excellent red herring scene to open the episode.. only a few seconds long and full of tension, drama and also HILARIOUS!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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It always seems to me that Anthony will never say how he feels until he knows it will get the response he wants. He doesn't want to be alone so he puts the responsibility of admitting feelings on to Lulu so that he doesn't have to find the courage to put his feelings out there for fear of having his heart crushed. When he gets the reassurance he needs from Lulu later in the episode any thought of Kate seems to go out the window.

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I thought that at first Rosie, but I am now of the mind that it's like a known thing between them that he does have feelings but that she doesn't.. and he thinks that all her flirty teasing is at his expense ... and he is not sure he can trust that is anything different... which explains why in that final convo before they get together it is just him asking her...never at any point does she ask him....i agree that he is afraid of putting his feelings out there for fear of getting crushed. But the difference is he thinks there is no point as it is not reciprocated... whereas his feelings are deep down known by the pair.. hers are not.

I also agree that everything takes on even more layers after they've slept together and he appears to go back to Kate... but perhaps in his mind that is no different to how it has always been. He has been with Kate, for a while we assume.. but has always loved Lulu and has denied it to himself to get on with life.

My issue with Anthony in the end is his lying to Kate after him and Lulu slept together. Whether Lulu and he had a future or not it was now time to tell Kate. But I don't have an issue with him for not telling her he has been in love with Lulu for years....which he'd denied to himself anyway ... nor for the duration of the events leading up to that pivotal point. what purpose would it serve to tell her or any future non Lulu relationship. I guess he could have chosen to pine and live like a monk! There is also the fact that despite all this turmoil he did keep trying to do the right thing. he did try to keep it all on an even keel with Kate. Its not like they were viciously carelessly flirting behind her back.

You could say he conveniently assumed Kate was a lesbian so the responsibility of trashing the relationship was not with him, but you could equally say he tried to make it work because he wanted it to work and didn't want to hurt her and only when he saw what he thought was her betraying him did he consider taking it further with Lulu. And it was Lulu who suggested they did,,, all he meant was it was time to go home...

And I may or may not be playing the devils advocate, but I wanted to put an alternative to the Anthony bashing we all did right after the show ended. Despite it's boldness and outrageousness at times, the writing is too clever and subtle to make anything black or white. There was sooo much going on... it is almost impossible to pick apart the layers...Anthony struggled .. he was confused and lost.. he was a man full of angst... he was trying to hold on by his fingernails, wasn't he? He was trying to patch it all over like it wasn't happening.. he didn't want the mess, and he did genuinely not want to fuck Kate over.




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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I don't think it was Anthony bashing as such more a frustration with Anthony. He's known Lulu since they were 14, plenty of time for them to have had an open, honest conversation with her about her feelings before he ever met Kate! Personally I just wanted him to find happiness and to man up to admit what it was he really wanted. The way the series was left we don't know if Anthony will leave Kate to be with Lulu or whether he will just want to keep the status quo with Kate.

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Oh I felt like I was Anthony bashing a bit, I was totally pissed off with him on first viewing the finale.

But if all that had happened Rosie, where would the tension be? and the cliff hanger ambiguous ending was perfect too.. it never felt like a series that would have easy resolutions and for me that would be too neatly tied up.... leaves us all wondering and talking as well... not a bad thing!


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