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Topic: ‘FELL’ sci-fi film short | NEWS!

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RE: Damien Molony set for new Sci Fi short ‘FELL’ – pledge to Kickstarter for EPIC rewards!

Thanks for the info about the filming dates whimsy....shame I didn't have a spare £500 wink


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RE: ‘FELL’ sci-fi film short | NEWS!

Any budding actors out there fancy a role in FELL? 

Via Starnow


Production Name - FELL

Production Type - Film (Short)

Location - Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire 

Date - Saturday 25th June 2016 (Night)


Name - Bob

Character Details -  Bob is a weathered man. Striking and chiselled but he's covered in dirt and has suffered injuries from an accident. He has a seriously intense, unnerving look and the actor playing him should have plenty of gravitas and immediate on screen presence.

Min Age - 40 

Max Age - 55

Gender  - Male

Film Details -  With the heart and wit of indie films such as '500 Days of Summer' and 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and the drama, suspense and flare of sci-fi movies like 'Moon' and 'District 9', Fell is a unique and exciting British Sci-Fi short with a stellar cast and award winning crew.  

Part funded by a development grant and Kickstarter, Fell has received backing & support from Oscar-winning producer Ian Canning (The King’s Speech, Shame) and Trevor Beattie producer of Moon. We have also signed up two fantastic actors actors, Damien Molony (Being Human, Ripper Street) and Tamla Kari, (The Inbetweeners, The Musketeers) to play the lead roles and are now looking for someone to star along side these great talents for a key scene in a featured, non speaking role.

It’s a pivotal role in the film. We aim to make it an impactful and truly memorable scene and we need the right caliber of actor to bring this character to life.

Fell tells the tale of a quirky couple's star gazing date that takes a sudden and dramatic turn when something falls to earth. It has been written as the intro scene to a larger feature project, which Film London and other agencies have shown interest in developing with us.  Fell will be an edge of your seat cinematic experience, a film that defies convention and one that will leave the audience wanting more.

We're scheduled shoot on the night of Saturday 25th June at a farm in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire and are aiming to wrap at about 4am.

Casting sessions will be held on Wednesday 22nd June with a wardrobe call for the chosen actor on Thursday 23rd June, both in central London.

Salary - £200 (to include travel & wardrobe call)

Payment: £200


The owner of this listing has agreed to abide by the UK National Minimum Wage Act. Find out more


Bob is a weathered man. Striking and chiselled but he's covered in dirt and has suffered injuries from an accident. He has a seriously intense, unnerving look and the actor playing him should have plenty of gravitas and immediate on screen presence.

Males, aged 40 to 55 from London, United Kingdom

  • Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
  • Acting experience: Previous unpaid speaking roles - Previous paid speaking roles
  • Languages: English
  • Accents: UK English



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I don't think I have the necessary unnerving look and gravitas ;)

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Haha! the character description is very specific!
Wonder how 'Bob' is going to fit in with the story....


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According to director Fern Beresford's FB page, FELL filming (which was planned for the weekend just gone) has been postponed due to flooding of the location! How terrible for the filmmakers!



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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How frustrating! I hope they can reschedule it soon

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Update from team FELL!



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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That's pretty bad flooding! It really needs to stop raining or we'll all be washed away. Let's hope they can reorganise things soon.

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Ugh!  That  really sucks!!  It would be bad news for them anyway....but considering how tight their filming schedule was it must've been pretty devastating.  Tamla opens on stage in Bath with While the Sun Shines next Wednesday (13th), and by the time she finishes (30th) Damien will be about to start in No Man's Land (3 Aug).....which doesn't end until mid December!!!  So unless they can squeeze filming in between rehearsals during the next week - which seems a bit unlikely to me - it's gonna be a while before they can re-schedule.  Damien's got a week off between Cardiff and London in September....


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I really feel for the team, it more than sucks spectacularly. As you say fifi, rescheduling is going to be super tricky, due to Damien and Tamla's other commitments they were working to a pretty strict timeline as it was. But, there is such an amazing energy to the whole project, it will absolutely get made!


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Professional Thud-er
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This MUST happen.  Tight squeeze, but I'm sure it will all work out in the end. 


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Ohhh another exciting thing! (Well all DaMo news is exciting...) I'm glad the target was met.
I feel like a school kid running around a candy shop with all this new stuff.




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The advantage of a short film is the shorter shoot, just one night. But, it will be hard for Damien to find even one night once No Man's Land opens... so I'm with fifi it will have to be just before he starts or during the week gap in the run.

But even if it happens afterwards, it's going to be incredible!



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Such a shame about the weather but I'm confident that they'll try and fit it in with Damien and Tamla's schedule. Damien is nothing if not professional so I'm sure he'll be committed to getting it filmed even if it means he loses some time off!

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I have no doubt this will happen eventually.  And I'm not sure Damo understands the concept of 'time off' wink   A night shooting during a week off from 4 months on the stage would probably make quite a nice change....unless he already had something else planned for that week!  It's not just Damo though....cast and crew all need to be available at the same time.  And if they do have to wait until September I wonder how much impact that'll have on filming.  A night in September is longer, darker and probably colder that one at the end of June.....


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Must admit that I'm disappointed that we haven't heard any more news about Fell over the summer.

Presumably they weren't able to do any filming in the brief break Damien had before NML opened in London.....and I don't think there's a break in the run before it finishes in December - so I guess it'll be spring before they manage to set another date.  Which is a real shame.....and must be pretty devastating for the producers....  no

But - as somebody who made a contribution to this project - I can't help feeling it would be nice to have some sort of update....even if it was just to say no news yet!  I would hope that anyone who was expecting to go to the filming has been kept up to date with what's happening.....but, much as I would love to have been able to give a much larger amount, I gave what I could afford to, and I do feel a little bit miffed that we've heard absolutely nothing since the filming was cancelled.... hmm


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I contacted Team Fell for an update last week, fingers crossed for a reply or a project update soon!



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Hi everyone!

Just heard back from Team Fell that all is going ahead with this project, but they've had lots of waiting to do themselves. There should be an update very soon (hopefully next week!)



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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That's fab news! I was worried that the window of opportunity had passed.

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Great news, domino, I so want to see this. Thank you makemovies

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Thanks for the info domino!  I guessed that they didn't have any definite news....but it's still good to know they're still working on it.  I look forward to their imminent update


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It sounds like the filmmakers have had lots of enquiries and they've been frustrated at not being able to give an definitive news. it has def not been all plain sailing!



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News on FELL at last! But it's not all good news... Damien is no longer involved with the film.

This is obviously a blow for us Damo fans but  our fave actor is obviously very much in demand!

Wishing the team all the very best with the project going forward.

Latest update from the filmmakers below.



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Well....this is disappointing - to say the least!  But - as you say - Damo is obviously very much in demand and this totally suggests that he's got something else lined up after NML.  Which has got to be good news, right?


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