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Topic: Who has seen TRAVELLING LIGHT?!

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Have any of our visitors and members seen Damien in 'Travelling Light'?

Would love to hear all about it!!

I am keeping everything crossed that, health permitting, I will make it during it's final run in London.

Has anyone else got plans to see it?




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You know I will see it on May 5. When would you go, if you can? I really hope you can! I wished I could find someone to go with and to swoon over Damien. :D

I have heard some good opinions about the play. Most say that it is funny and really really great.


"And I had a shield. A red one." - Hal (BH)

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Well, you are the dedicated one, making this fab forum for us all while you are poorly domino. Thank you. I did not realise you had a health issue, I don't mean to pry but is it a long term one? you don't need to say if you don't want to. I hope you do get to go, you deserve it lovely. Eileen, we will need all the details when you get back!!! :D
I can't go for different reasons. Mum of 4 kids, husband of particular ways. :( I have heard it is very good, to see Damien in something other then BH one day would be dreamy!! :D

-- Edited by Irishgal on Monday 16th of April 2012 02:26:48 PM


My name is Ciara and I've been on the Kia-Ora!!!! :D

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Wow Eileen, all the way from Germany? that is true dedication! *looks for a high five emoticon*

I think a number of people are going on 9 May! I am sure you will have an awesome time, on your own you can seriously get into swooning over Damien uninterrupted. I will be with you in spirit! and maybe we can also pass on our well wishes from the forum!

For me, It will be case of leaving it until the end of May or the June dates if I can go at all.. to give me maximum chance of being well enough to go. OR it may be  a spontaneous thing that gets planned by others for me as a birthday thing really soon..if they get some kind of specialist transport sorted.

And if I cannot go I will jus have to vicariously enjoy it when you come back and tell us all about it and try my best not to feel like a sad awkward fan! hmm

Seeing Damien live in theatre is a wonderful focus for my recovery though, so on the positive side, seeing as he has a bright future ahead of him, it is inevitably going to happen one day!


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I will tell you all I can about it. And yes, I will think of the forum and both of you while I'm there. I'm getting really nervous now. It's a pity that you cannot go Irishgal. I hope they will maybe show the play on TV? That would be so awesome and a great opportunity for people who cannot go to see Damien in it. Fingers crossed that you will be able to see it, too, Domino. And I would like to join Irishgal in thanking you for creating this wonderful forum while being sick. *hugs both*


"And I had a shield. A red one." - Hal (BH)

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Thank you Irish gal and Eileen, I can assure you that this forum was born for the entirely selfish reason of having somewhere legitimate to swoon over Damien Molony day every day! But I am happy it ticks your boxes too!

Eileen, that would be so cool if it was transmitted live, but I think it is really unlikely Travelling Light will appear on tv, and National Theatre Live confirmed to me on twitter it will not be broadcast to cinemas again.

Besides the live experience is what it is all about! the atmosphere of the theatre, the whole experience of it  

Irishgal I have been ill a long time too many years to mention but don't want this thread to be about me( it's in my admin profile) suffice to say I am looking to the future now and things are so much better! I knew i was recovering when I started to become more fussy about all the things I swore I wouldn't when I was at my worst (my hairstyle, fashion.. oh and the the return of my shoe fetish)..lol.

Anyhooo..anyone else out there seen or going to see Damien in Travelling Light?


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We're talking a lot on Twitter and getting very excited! I'm looking forward to meeting the others too. I made a lot of good friends when I joined a Lord Of The Rings message board 10 years ago and we still keep in touch. We'll all be together in December too.  I'm hoping to do the same with the Being Human Bloggers  too.

-- Edited by Londonlaura on Thursday 26th of April 2012 07:23:24 PM


~Hal Yorke is in my dreams. Can't wait to go to bed!~

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I went on Monday 5th March, I'm going with about 9 Being Human Blog people on Sunday May 20th and again on Tuesday May 29th.

The first and last ones were booked after online chats with Being Human fans, but the girl I was supposed to meet in March never turned up and the person I'm supposed to be meeting on the 29th seems to have disapeared online, so I have no idea what's going on there! I'm in the front row for that one, so I'm slightly nervous about who I'm going to be sitting next to now, so if anyone else is going on that day, please let me know! The perils of planning your social life online, I guess.


~Hal Yorke is in my dreams. Can't wait to go to bed!~

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Awww... Londonlaura, it's a pity you won't go on May 5th. I don't want to be alone! LOL I'm so nervous already. God! You are so lucky to go with friends. I bet it's easier to go up to him and ask for an autograph right? I won't do that unfortunately. LOL I'm too shy. disbelief

Oh and I adore LotR! biggrin

-- Edited by Eileen on Thursday 26th of April 2012 10:40:14 PM


"And I had a shield. A red one." - Hal (BH)

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Gawd, that sounds confoosing Laura, sorry to hear that... and makes you think twice about making that kind of arrangement with people unknown to you, or even putting stuff like that out there publicly...it saddens me that this is a reality of online interaction even if it is a very tiny part of it. Fingers crossed that when you go you'll be next to a lovely theatre goer, just like yourself! I think our Eileen is going sooner. I bet you and the wonderful blog peeps have a blast on the 20th!


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You clearly have exceptional taste Laura! Lord of The Rings is a phenomenon like no other! That is the flipside of the World Wide Web, meeting wonderful people from all over the world with shared interests. I have friends who go back years who i initially met on the net!


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Thanks Eilen. I shall be in Tenerife next week, otherwise I would have bought a ticket and come.  It would have been lovely to see you.  If you do get the courage to go backstage, then you can start by saying that you're a Moderator on the Damien Molony Forum and did he like the flowers? That would be a good conversation starter. Maybe ask him if he's seen the site and what does he think?

I'm going to read the interviews here and think of something to say too.

-- Edited by Londonlaura on Friday 27th of April 2012 11:10:57 AM

-- Edited by Londonlaura on Friday 27th of April 2012 09:13:20 PM


~Hal Yorke is in my dreams. Can't wait to go to bed!~

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Wish I could go with you Eileen! I shall rentaghost to be with you, in spirit! I hope you find the courage to do whatever it is you want to, I am not entirely sure how people go about getting an autograph, but if you do have the chance to meet Damien, you could definitely mention the forum as a icebreaker and say you are a moderator here, if you felt comfortable doing that, he knows about us now, :) but please do not feel like an ambassador for us or anything. From point of view, I created the forum for us fans and no expectation from the man himself if you know what I mean!

I hope you guys feel like giving us a review when you return and please don't worry about spoilers we have plenly of reviews here already, I guess it is a choice to read them or not1


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I saw 'Travelling Light' at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle on April 6th. My birthday was two days before so my sister and brother in law took me to see it as a birthday present- front row seats too.

I have to say that with or without Damien in the role of Motl, i thoroughly enjoyed it, the performances were top notch and Damien holds his own quite capably against Antony Sher.

Without posting spoilers, there is one part during the first part that had me scratching my head as to why it was in the play but towards the end of the second act, all is revealed and you could've heard a pin drop in the theatre when the reveal happened.

And i was lucky enough to meet Damien after the performance and he was utterly utterly lovely. He's very polite, sweet and gracious and just blown away by the support he's been receiving by Being Human fans and folks in general. I think he was a bit nervous of his reception in the show after Aidan's departure but he's happy that he's been accepted as much as he has been. He wished me a happy birthday, signed my programme and we had a photo taken together. His natural accent is gorgeous and he has a way of drawing you into a conversation that makes you feel comfortable, if there hadn't been others waiting to meet him then i think we'd have chatted for longer than we did.

He's going to go very far.


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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Wow Ruby, best birthday ever, right?! the stuff dreams and wonderful memories are made of! Thank you for sharing about that whole amazing experience! Damien is so gracious and open to his fans, I would love to see the photo some time, if you felt like posting it! :)


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It's in my twitter account if you want to take a peek.


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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Awww... That is a wonderful story, Lisa! I wish I had the courage to talk to him next Saturday. Cannot wait to see the play.


"And I had a shield. A red one." - Hal (BH)

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Will take a look Lisa! Not long now Eileen! maybe we should all tweet Damien that you are coming on Saturday I have noticed people tend to let him know they are coming..and maybe then you'd feel more confident?


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Oh god no!


"And I had a shield. A red one." - Hal (BH)

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I know what you mean Eileen! don't worry! *hugs*

It is going to be awesome enough seeing the play, I so hope you have a wonderful time!


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Aww why not Eileen? I hadn't intended to go and say hello afterwards but received a lot of encouragement from others who had met him and plus a couple of bloggers told him in Leeds that I was seeing the play in Newcastle so when he did emerge, he knew who I was and he told me that he wondered when he was going to meet me. I also tweeted him on the day of the performance and politely asked whether I could say hi afterwards and he told me himself that this is the best thing to do. I'm pretty shy but I'm so glad that I met him and he is truly lovely (and gorgeous)


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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I just can't. LOL


"And I had a shield. A red one." - Hal (BH)

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*BIG HUGS* for Eileen! You must do whatever makes you feel comfortable hon, I'm sure none of us mean to put you under pressure, just offering some gentle encouragement and ideas if they helped you feel more confident. I must admit I would be pretty shy too! Damien knows about the forum now though, so you could go as our roving reporter, or our ambassador!! I would hate to think that you wanted to do something but couldn't cuz you felt too shy, let us know if any more ideas would help or just ask us shut up now! *more hugs*


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HI Matty P, welcome1

Your first? wow..that is an honour both for us and Damien!

How exciting that your are off to see Travelling Light tomorrow, I hope your enjoy the play and would love to hear about it! I have not had the pleasure but have read the play, it is a beautiful story, I hope you are taken away by it.

Are you on twitter? I believe many fans mention to Damien in advance on twitter that they are going, so perhaps that is something you can do too! I hope you get to meet him!


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Team DaMo
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hello - first post on a fan site!

I'm going to the matinee performance of Travelling Light this Saturday May 5th (tomorrow!) - really looking forward to seeing Damien in it. pleased to read on here that he is happy to see fans after the show. hoping to get an autograph and photo with him after the performance?! also going to see Andrew Gower (Cutler) in 'the conquest of the south pole' in the evening!! - so a Being Human double bill!


'10 minutes is all i ask..supervised off course. just so i can do a quick run round with the hoover and sort out the recycling..'

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