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Topic: Who has seen TRAVELLING LIGHT?!

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You can go see the Hard Problem too, after they have stopped showing it in NT of course!


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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I knew places existed to see archived plays, but not sure where, so thanks JozieMozie. Are you only allowed to see one play per visit, sure I could spend all day there...


Good Hal? Bad Hal? Really don't mind.... 

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JozieMozie wrote:

It is a place. Right next to Old Vic's theatre, quite close to NT. You have book a time for your archive visit, it's free, but you have to do it at least 2 weeks beforehand you want to go. Told Damien about this when I saw him on stage door, he didn't know such a place existed and he wanted to see Travelling Light too! I told him he should, it was pretty goodwink Then I gave him instruction how to book time and visit there. First you need to go here: http://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/discover-more/archive/contact-the-archive

Then fill up the Archive email contact form.

I just clicked general interest, put 'Travelling Light" in both of the boxes (subject  to your research and which production you're interested in).

Then I clicked all the other boxes, that I want to see every every material they have.

Then I clicked that I can come visit in person.. And the last click was "from friends" (where did you hear about archive) cause Whimsy told me that there's this place.

You can go NT info desk before you go to the archive and ask directions, it's 15min walk, same road where Old Vic's is, on the glass near front door facing the road is saying National Theatre or something like that. There's a doorbell, the door is always locked so you have to buzz yourself in, after that they will guide you. 

It was great! And you get personal assistant who will email you about anything. Of course I could have asked instructions how the get to the archive but I went and asked at the NT info desksmile

-- Edited by JozieMozie on Saturday 9th of May 2015 06:27:42 PM

Thanks to whimsy for linking me here.  I've been to the V&A archives to see a play once but though it seems obvious, I'd never thought about the NT having an archive!  How exciting!  There are SO MANY plays I'd love to see, even just having a brief peruse (although I don't understand how you can tell whether certain plays have recordings of them you can watch or not...?)

I wondered JozieMozie whether you'd mind if I asked you, in your enquiry, what did you say under "What is the subject of your reserach?" Because, err...  the truth is it'd just be me wanting to watch ALL OF THE PLAYS, not any research at all..!!!  Would you have to write something?  I'm down in London at the end of August and thought I might try to book to see something if I could!  Thank you for all the information you have already shared.


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I wrote "Travelling Light" and nothing else, cause that and "The Hard Problem" are National Theatre plays and they only have those. I went to see THP of course and it was still playing in the NT so it wasn't in their archive but that could be too there! If you haven't seen THP you could ask do they show that already in their archivesmile Hope this helped!


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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I'm a bit late, oops!  But thank you for your help JozieMozie! 


I am hoping I may be able to visit the archive in August and may be able to view Travelling Light.  


To be honest, just on a very brief perusal of the catalogue, there are already double figures of plays I'd love to view though!  haha!!  If it works out I may become a regular visitor!!?! biggrin

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I'll be seeing Travelling Light in just over 2 weeks! 


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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whimsyfox wrote:

I'll be seeing Travelling Light in just over 2 weeks! 

Oooh, you'll have to let me know if there's anything I should know before I go!  It is the end of August I'm hoping for.  smile  On the initial enquiry it didn't ask for a date though (unless I didn't see?!) so I assume/hope someone'll be in touch.  smile

Enjoy whimsyfox!!  smilesmilesmilesmilesmile

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Littleimpulse, you get an email right away asking the preferred date and time. Very quick and accomodating.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Can't wait you hear your thoughts Whimsy and littleimpulse, it's very easy to go there and they are answering emails fast if you get any questionssmile


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Hehe!  I'm going to see Travelling Light with little impulse tomorrow!  I wanted to go and see it live.....so this has been a long time waited for.  And a perfectly timed bit of Damo to fill the void before everything kelse kicks off....

Thanks for letting me tag along little impulse!


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Enjoy fifi and littleimpulse! look forward to hearing your thoughts after


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I hope you and littleimpulse have fun, fifi. Can't wait to hear all about it!

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That's excellent fifi & littleimpulse!  just a tip, they close promptly at 5 and it's 2.5 hrs long, so go early!


Guess I can share my experience.  sorry, I've been swamped and have been offline mostly.

Due to an unfortunate baggage problem when we flew into Heathrow, our plans our first full day in London were thrown off a bit by the need to stop to get my husband a change of clothes.  Consequently we arrived 30 min late to our viewing appointment at 2:30.  But still, there was no problem, the gal overseeing that department had everything set up and ready to go. 

W were led to a smallish L-shaped room with an administrative desk right when you come in, filing cabinets/shelves, and I think 4 desks, all but one occupied with other people watching DVD's.  the desk for us was the closest to the admin desk, Travelling Light was already cued up, she just had to get us another pair of headphones.  

My impression of the play is that it was "alright". There isn't much by way of character development, so you couldn't really connect with any of them, Anthony Sher's Jacob is overbearing and annoying, (most of the characters are quite grating) and the play is, frankly, very long winded.  It didn't help my viewing at all that 20 min before we reached the end, the Archive gal came over and said to us, "I'm leaving now." and started walking away.  So I asked, "Does that mean we have to stop watching?" and she replied "Yes, I'm leaving."  That's it.  No warning ahead of time.  We had just gotten to the scene forward in time where Damien was now playing Nate, so only got to see a few seconds of him in that role. I quickly slid the slider on the video just to see what we were missing, proobably 5-10 min of actual footage, and I got the gist of what happens.  Plus I have the play text, so that helped fill in the blanks.

As for Damien's performance, reminded me very much of Hal.  Motl tried to be very posh most of the time, there were many sarcastic remarks from him, and he was very emotional.  Lots of crying (mostly out of frustration from having to deal with the villagers and Jacob)  He's a very indecisive character, and keeps himself aloof from everyone, even Anna, so while I liked Damien's performance, I wasn't as endeared to Motl as I thought I would be.  There were a couple cute scenes between Anna and Motl, bit flirtatious, but I couldn't really say there was chemistry between them.  

If Travelling Light were released on DVD I would totally watch it again, give it another chance and catch the parts I missed.  Perhaps in person it had a bigger impact, but of the 3 plays I've seen of his, this would rate my least fav orite, even agains The Hard Problem.  At least that one had great wordplay and concepts.  

Oh, btw, you know that b/w scene of someone filming Motl at the window? I'm fairly certain one of the words he says is Itzak, which is the accountant for Jacob.  I think he says something about "Itzak isn't going to like this."  Itzak kept track of how much film was being used, they were paying Motl by the frame, so Motl had to be sparing with the film.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Thanks for sharing, Whimsy! It's too bad your London trip was thrown off by misplaced luggage and that you didn't get to finish the play. Still, you were able to solve a puzzle for us, so that's a bonus!


He'd have told me to join him, and I would. - still true!

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Hi folks!  Thought I'd post in here now I've seen the play!  It was lovely to meet you fifi the other day!  And aww, I'm sorry about your experience whimsyfox - sounds stressful!

I loved the play personally!  Before I get into it can I just say I watched 3 plays at the archive! hahaha!  3 plays in one day (and then I went to a real play in the evening!)  I am utterly crazy!!  hahaha!  I was so impressed I fitted them all in and fifi and I just had time for this one too which was nice.

So, the play, I really liked it.  I liked it a lot more than The Hard Problem personally.  The Hard Problem I found to be a very interesting play intellectually - there is a great deal to think about it afterwards.  However, while I was watching the play, I didn't find it very moving (the only thing that moved me while watching really was the music/light installation... weird as that may sound.)  And great as intellectual stimulation is, I personally feel the most important part of a play is how it makes you feel while you're watching it.  Thus, I loved Travelling Light.  

I watched the Q&A after & they mentioned the films Hugo and The Artist and they'd been brought to my mind as I watched as well.  I found Motl a touchingly passionate man... it is just that he didn't love people.  He loved and was passionate about his art and creation.

I loved the love for film and art and theatre the play had.  I was also so engaged by it - I was quite disappointed I watched the Q&A in a way as all the way through I'd been thinking "Is this a true story?!"  Though when it got to the US and Damien was there again playing another character (I shall say no more for those who have not yet but may watch) I realised now it surely couldn't be real-life.  Still, it felt very real and possible to me!

I also thought it worked exceptionally well on film myself!  Some plays work better than others when filmed as clearly it isn't the same as being in a cinema.  This one though, I thought worked really well.  I'd love it on a DVD!

Also, a great, lead role for Damien!

All in all, I found it a warmhearted loving play... but not about Romantic love which is a plus in my book (I find such a topic generally dull!)

Great that there is so much information to look through in the archive too!

I am sure there is much more I could say, but I really loved this play and hope I can go back to the archive soon and see more NT plays!!!!  dancingdancingdancingdancingdancing

Ooooh, edit: I was quite excited when I realised Karl Theobald was in the play too!  (I only realised it was him after the interval and had to check the programme to make sure!  Anyone else love The Green Wing??)

-- Edited by littleimpulse on Sunday 30th of August 2015 06:44:11 PM

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Hi littleimpulse!
Thank you for sharing about your experience at the NT archive, awesome that you got to see Travelling Light, such a significant work in Damien's theatre credits. Also very cool that you and fifi met here at the forum and went on to have a real life DaMo moment. this makes me happy

on DVD you say? me too! in fact we have a topic and poll on that here.

Loved Green Wing, a comedy in a class of its own!


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Littleimpuĺse - it was great to meet you....I had a lovely afternoon.  Thank you again for agreeing to let me join you - it was so nice to be able to watch it with somebody else and have a chat afterwards.  We'll have to do it again sometime!

Whimsy - I still can't believe that you missed the last few minutes....such a shame!  Maybe you'll have to go back next time you're in London(!) you might enjoy it more if you're feeling a bit less stressed by other events too.

I have to say I really enjoyed it. It is rather twee...especially in comparison to the other projects Damien has been involved in - but I was prepared for that as I'd already heard and read so much about it!  After seeing The Hard Problem I said that it was important for me to feel entertained when I went to the theatre....and I definitely found it entertaining.  It was very sweet - warmhearted is a perfect description.  And there were a lot of giggles......as well moments of poignancy.

I enjoyed the way that the narrator became a character at the end....an ending which was perfect in its contrivency (is that a word? Well, it is now!)  And the little film clips were great....although I agree with littleimpulse that it worked very well on the screen, I must admit I would love to have seen how it looked with those clips projected onto the backdrop....

I can understand the comments which have been made about Anthony Sher, but I didn't have a problem with his portrayal of Jacob.....the character was overbearing and I didn't think it was especially overplayed.  And Lauren O'Neil played Anna beautifully! But it was absolutely Damien's show!  And he totally made it!! 

Reading back through the comments in this thread from people who went to see it on stage it's not surprising that there are many comparisons between Motl and Hal - after all he played this part whilst s4 of Being Human was airing.  But it's actually impossible not to make the comparison.  I was quite surprised.....in all of the times I've seen Damien perform - both live and on tv - I've never seen anything other than the smallest glimpses of Hal.  Whimsy is right....there are, strangely, many similarities between Hal and Motl.  But I can't help thinking that Damien has grown as an actor during the intervening years.


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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