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Topic: Who has seen TRAVELLING LIGHT?!

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Oh yes! wow..special with bells on! I guess there is a possibility someone else took it, but it was Damien who tweeted it!

I do wonder if Damien is a bit handy with a camera what with Travelling Light and all...he must have done research for the part! (did you see what I did there?! )


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I did see what you did thereclap.gif

Having seen Travelling Light I can concur that he knows how to handle his equipment! I mean camera equipment.


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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and it looks like he is fascinated with the results!!




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I hope all of our members who are going to see Travelling Light tomorrow have an amazing time and enjoy the play, best of luck with meeting Damien at the stage door and I am so looking forward to hearing all about it!!

in glorious detail!!




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Well I'm going to see Travelling Light & Damien again later today (should be in bed, early start, can't sleep).

I decided that it would be nice to take a congratulation card to Damien for his recent award success and had the Being Human bloggers send me there messages.

Here's the card....as you can see there's a lot of love for our boy x


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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Nope, picture didn't upload!!!

Try this link to my twitter http://t.co/rLgnxlpT

Hope Damien likes it.


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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Aw, how could he not love it, Becca?! great idea! thinking of you all today!


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Hello to all the people who are going today!!! *waving* you are all so lucky!!! I hope you have a great time and meet Damien!!!!


My name is Ciara and I've been on the Kia-Ora!!!! :D

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Have posted some pics in the gallery of today, everyone had a mindblowing time by the sounds of it! I am sure we will hear more about it soon!


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I agree with Becca, the play was much better second time round. Apart from 2 scenes which we have called "Blanketgate". I best wait until after next week before I tell you about that. Put it this way, when I saw it in March there was more of DM to see than there was yesterday. That's what fame and rauncy tweets does to a man!

As everyone else has said before, he was very charming and gracious with his time. We stood back when we saw him come out, and let the other people there have their photos taken and get their autographs, then he turned to us and asked if we were the Bloggers, the we all came round him. He said he'd been looking forward to meeting us and asked who we were and where we had come from.  Dana one of the bloggers had come from Frankfurt!

He was great, taking care to sign everything he was given and asking for names or any personal message. He asked me what my name was on the Blog and I said it was London Laura, and was the same name as on Twitter and here on the Forum. He asked who had organised the day out and someone pointed to me and the first thing he said was "How come it took you so long, we've been here since February?" I laughed and said it'd taken that long to organise!

I had lots of things to sign for people who were unable to make it. When I gave him the 4th picture to sign he said "another one?" which reminded me of Lord Harry coming up the stairs. I paniced a bit and muttered "honest, they're not going on ebay" and he shrugged and said "ha, it's okay".

While he was signing stuff and going through my little pen collection trying to see which one worked I asked him when did he start work on Being Human and he said it starts in the middle of July. He has a month off after TL finishes and is going on holiday and going home to Ireland as he's not been there for ages. Then he looked at me excitedly and said that he's looking forward to coming back to open "the big brown envelope".
"Oh My God" I said, "how exciting is it reading the scripts for the first time?" He took a big breath and told me and said he couldn't wait.
We talked about the TV BAFTA's. I asked if he was going and he said no as none of the BH crew had been nominated and said it was such a shame after the success of Season 2 in 2010 when the programme was recognised by BAFTA. (We were talking about this afterwards and wonderd if Season 4 would have been nominated anyway as it's a 2012 programme not 2011).
I said it was a shame as it would have been good to get photos of him there and told him a bit about my job as a Picture Editor for a news agency and said that we didn't have very many photos of him as he's not done many public things like go to PR events and showbiz awards, in fact the only thing that he'd been to was the RAKE fashion show. He agreed, but said that with working in the play, it was difficult to do them, so we talked about the RAKE Fashion show and he said that was a fabulous party but it really threw him when he arrived and all the photographers were shouting at him to look this way or that way. (Could explain why he looks so startled in all the pics I've seen then!).

After our individual photo, we had our group one, which was great fun.  
Towards the end, just as he was about to go, he thanked us all for coming and supporting Being Human and said "Seriously, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have a job to go to in July". I said, well, we'd do anything to support him and series 5 and said that next time they needed extras to do a nightclub scene or anything, don't bother paying extras - just ask the people on the blog and they would come to Barry for free! Everyone laughed. Then, he gathered all his bags of gifts and walked away  - looked like he was going to Waterloo station or the car park.

It was great spending time with the other bloggers after that too, talking, although most of us were pretty shaky! He must have spent over 40 minutes with us and we lost all sense of time.  Suddenly, it was after 7.00 and Dana and I had a mad dash getting Becca from Embankment to Kings Cross Station to catch her 7.45 train! Thankfully, even London Transport had #themalonyeffect and we got there just in time!

Dana and I went for drinks in Piccadilly, which was great, talking about Being Human and other TV programmes.  It was such a great day.  I think everyone was nervous at first. Would we get on, would we find each other or recognise each other. Would DM come to the stage door.  Would he like us.  It all went better than expected! 

-- Edited by Londonlaura on Tuesday 22nd of May 2012 01:53:23 AM


~Hal Yorke is in my dreams. Can't wait to go to bed!~

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So...... Laura, Becca, Brooksey.......... SPILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell us about YESTERDAY!!!

*sits cross legged on floor all ears*


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As I can finally think straight and string a coherent sentence together again after meeting Damien I thought I'd let you know about the day.

It was a second viewing of Travelling Light for me and I found that the play had improved. The cast, whilst excellent the first time seemed much more comfortable in their roles and Mr Molony has grown even further into his leading man role.

After the play finished we dashed the to the stage door to wait for Damien. When he appeared he told us that he was expecting us (probably due to the number of tweets we'd all sent) and despite our fears that we might have scared him away he said he that this one stage door meet he wasn't going to miss!

We gave him gifts of kia-ora, cupcakes, coffee, tulips, sonnets and the card of congratulations messages which he seems really pleased to receive. He said he was really touched by the thoughtfulness of the card & that Friday had been a bit of a mad day. He also cheekily asked why I hadn't brought a thousand tulips!

We took up quite a bit of his time but he happily spoke to us all individually and posed for many photos before we got the group photo which you can see in the gallery. We did ask him to lay on the floor at our feet for that pic but he politely declined.

I think he said that after Travelling Light finishes he has some time off when he's going home to Ireland as its been awhile since he's had the chance to go back, them Being Human starts filming sometime in July.

We eventually let him go with his bag of gifts and watched him walk away, many of us fighting the urge to follow :)

He knew most of our twitter names, which was a bit scary but unsurprising given how often we all tweet him! He also tweeted a message to us late last night, which you've probably seen -

@damienmolony "Lovely to meet all the BH bloggers today, thanks for all your gifts x"

A lovely message to end the day with from an utterly charming man.


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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Lol! the Molony effect mistress is here! Yowza! Aw Becca...it just sounds so magical and perfect, awesome that the whole group of you saw the play and met Damien all together...a proper event..a spectacular even!
bravo Mr molony.. for helping make some very special memories!
woomewithtulips wrote:

We gave him gifts of kia-ora, cupcakes, coffee, tulips, sonnets and the card of congratulations messages which he seems really pleased to receive. He said he was really touched by the thoughtfulness of the card & that Friday had been a bit of a mad day. He also cheekily asked why I hadn't brought a thousand tulips!


Beautful gifts, I bet he felt very loved! (did he get glitter lips from the cupcakes? they looked yum!)


woomewithtulips wrote:

We took up quite a bit of his time but he happily spoke to us all individually and posed for many photos before we got the group photo which you can see in the gallery. We did ask him to lay on the floor at our feet for that pic but he politely declined.


lol! the pics are breathtakingly happy making! if anyone missed then they are over here


woomewithtulips wrote:

I think he said that after Travelling Light finishes he has some time off when he's going home to Ireland as its been awhile since he's had the chance to go back, them Being Human starts filming sometime in July.


Damien deserves some time off...the Travelling Light tour and final run must be / have been hard work even for a man of his stamina..


woomewithtulips wrote:

We eventually let him go with his bag of gifts and watched him walk away, many of us fighting the urge to follow :)


I can imagine feeling this too ..aw! aw 



woomewithtulips wrote:

He knew most of our twitter names, which was a bit scary but unsurprising given how often we all tweet him! He also tweeted a message to us late last night, which you've probably seen -

@damienmolony "Lovely to meet all the BH bloggers today, thanks for all your gifts x"

A lovely message to end the day with from an utterly charming man.

 I did see and 'Retweeted' it! Damien does sound so charming and friendly and cheeky too.. which is never a bad thing!


Thanks for sharing with us Becca, I've been riding the wave of excitement from afar and feeling really thrilled for you all !!!!



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ooops sorry forgot i am in admin account! it is me, domino x



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Hi Laura, oh my goodness.... oh my goodness.... oh oh oh..... :zoweeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is awesome!!!!

I feel emotional just reading this..so gawd knows how you all felt!!!!!!

Lol, how cool and cheeky was he? i bet that was particularly disarming, congratulations to all of you who managed to remain standing!!


Well done Laura, you did good! it sounds like he really appreciated all you bloggers and thank you so much from me for getting those pics signed (watch this space everyone.. we are going to have a competition!) especially when there was so much going on!

How endearing about RAKE ..we don't have those pics here yet, must post them! I have a feeling Damien will be appearing at more of those glitterazzi events in future...

Love the bit about the big brown envelope!


thank you so much for sharing this in depth account Laura.....I am as you can imagine gutted beyond belief that I cannot go..and won't be having my pic taken with Damien...but the fact that all you had such an incredible time really does make up for i!!!! (((hugs))))


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Laura, thank you for sharing your experience and wow you have a great memory, even though it was just a few days ago.

I remember bits and pieces of when i met him, how grateful he's been for the support from Being Human fans, that filming starts again in July and he asked me about a previous BH fandom meet up that happened at the end of February and if i'd been there (I hadn't been) and he remembered a couple of my friends from the US who'd attended one of the TL shows and met him afterwards (Sunny and Penny from Twitter) I can remember my arm around him for the photo but not his around me. He must've said other stuff but for the life of me i can't remember what he said. It's #theMolonyEffect, i'm sure there's mind-wiping skills in there too. ;) 


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

Team DaMo
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Hi Domino!!

*thud thud thud thud thud thud*

still on cloud nine! cannot believe what a totally lovely, humble, generous, kind, friendly, gorgeous person Damien is!! and I actually spoke to him! in a sensible fashion! didn't fall on my face or run away! I shook his hand, and went in for two hugs (greedy I know lol) - it's my other half Trevor who took most of the pics - he said he needed a nother pic of the two of us, who was I to argue?? "I'm coming in for another hug"says myself and Damien even gave a little chuckle! I can still feel his arm round me! He is a gorgeous, gorgeous man!

I gave him a bottle of Kia Ora with a red shield badge ontop and a little box of coffee down the side - he looked in and said "ah kia ora " and then " is that coffee in there?" so I gives him a cheeky little grin "yes - it'll take the taste of the Kia ora away!" I said! and then I shook his hand! This was before the double hug

it's two days later and I'm still on cloud nine!! and it was fantastic to meet the other bloggers too - we are an excellent bunch!!!

don't know if I've written all this in the right place - feel free to send it to another bit of the forum if you like!

my OH - photo Trev as I call him -( "Hello Trevor" said Mr Molony when I said "this is my much more sensible other half!") is in the process of trying to get pics up on flicker (whatever that is) feel free to nick any that you like to put on here :)))

I can't believe I actually spoke and acted like a normal person around him! and his eyes are lovely, and he looks directly at you!

*thud thud thud*

will try and upload a pic from my phone in a mo -standby

and we thought of you too - Laura mentioned you to Damien when she was getting some pics signed

He is just THE nicest man EVER!!

totally smitten. I met Damien Molony. Very Happy Brookesey

there we are!! think I've posted this in the right place now :)


"That's not me glaring, it's just me looking."

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Hi Brookesey! 

He does look you straight in the eyes when you talk to him. And i remember that he wished me a happy birthday (my birthday was two days before i went to see the play) and when i apologised for monopolising him (there were others waiting to meet him), he laughed and said it was okay and that i wasn't monopolising him at all. 

He is the loveliest and most humble young man. I know, i'm preaching to the choir but he really is and i sincerely hope that never ever changes. 


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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I'm afraid that I've just had a little accident. Was lonesomely wandering around the National Theatre website when I clicked on the "buy tickets" tab for a laugh. Certainly can't afford more £47 tickets, thinks brookesey to herself. Seemed to be more tickets available than when I've been snooping before - "ooh, 4 left in the front row - let's have a look" I says to myself - clicks on them - £12 tickets!!!! In the front row!! For Travelling Light!
Well, what was I supposed to do??? I bought two of them!!!
I can't actually believe I've done it! My OH isn't even in at the moment so doesn't know yet that we're going again!! I was shaking like a leaf!


"That's not me glaring, it's just me looking."

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Yes.  I've front row too, so it's going to be a Bloggers/Forum reunion.  As you're in the middle Brookesey, you'll have to give a "blanket" report wink


~Hal Yorke is in my dreams. Can't wait to go to bed!~

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#oohbaby !!!! BROOOOKKKKSSEEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!!! there are not enough emoticons to show my grin levels reading your post especially the double hug and the kia ora part...... :awwwwwwwwwwwwwowowowowowowoowweeee you guys..could it have been more perfect?!?!

I jsut sent you a message about this Brooks, but i got the file of photos your hubby took..they are awesome! is he pro photographer? some uber gorgeous closeups of Damien and beautiful shots of you all! (will post soon as!)

you are going again? #ooohbaby! things get deeper and better second time around, don't they?

Yes, Laura you have been such a star and i am so grateful that amongst all the multiple thuddery you kept it together enough to get my pics signed... i was soooo there in spirit! and as i mentioned before keep your eyes peeled everyone one of those pics may end up being yours!!!


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Dana took some lovely photos of Damien by himself. They are here on Flickr. http://flic.kr/s/aHsjzzuGzo.

Very hot. Lots of *thiding* going on this afternoon when I had a look. biggrin  You can see his lovely eyes and there's a lot of him smiling and laughing.

-- Edited by Londonlaura on Friday 25th of May 2012 12:59:28 AM

-- Edited by Londonlaura on Friday 25th of May 2012 01:04:56 AM

-- Edited by Londonlaura on Friday 25th of May 2012 06:06:37 PM


~Hal Yorke is in my dreams. Can't wait to go to bed!~

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they are stunning photos Dana,  I noticed you posted them over here in the galleries too Laura, which is where i have replied! http://damienmolony.activeboard.com/t49065786/the-damien-molony-with-fans-photo-gallery


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Well, I've just got back from seeing Travelling Light again (Tuesday 29th) with Being Human Bloggers and Forumers. And Damien came out again for us. My photos are very dark and I will look at them on Photoshop at work try and load them tomorrow. Trevor - Mr @Brokesey's pics are better and he will put his on here in the next couple of days, like he did last week.
It was very crowded at the stage door. Damien came out and said that he couldn't stay ver y long as there was a party for the cast going on, but he couldn't miss coming down to say hello to all us bloggers! We gave him our gifts and chatted. He loved Domino's t-shirt and signed one for her. He knew who she is and appreciates all the work she does He also said thanks for coming, seemed pleased that some of us were going to come to Barry for the filming and said he'd love to see us there and said thanks for coming and that he'd "keep us updated" with what he's doing.
Really lovely and generous with his time and I got a hug, handshake and kiss.
Meeting Su was great and the other Forumers and bloggers. Just wish we had more time together.


~Hal Yorke is in my dreams. Can't wait to go to bed!~

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Hi Laura!!!! first of all....you were up late last night! But it is quite understandable why! It just sounds.....so amazing and magical!! Awesome that Damien came to the stage door again and spent the time that he did, especially as he had a party to go to!!

Can't wait to see all your pics, and Trevor's (Mr Brookeseys)!


I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me Laura, I am so thrilled Damien signed my T-shirt - it will be framed - and liked the T-shirt I gave him as a gift! Even more excited to hear he is ok with what we are doing at the forum! I am happy I can support his work this way while i am not well enough to see Traveling Light myself.

Really happy for Su meeting Damien for the first time, I hope she and the others also had a wonderful time and come and tell us all about it, in glorious techicolour detail!


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