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Topic: UPDATED: Being Human Series 5 Air Date uk - 3 February BBC THREE 10pm - OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED!

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RE: Being human is coming on February 3rd!

note from admin: Former topics 'Being Human Series 5 Air Date is Coming' and Su's topic 'Being Human is coming feb 3rd' have been merged together into one topic. All air date info and discussion is now in this topic! thanks



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RE: UPDATED: Being Human Series 5 Air Date - February 3rd!

Gosh, so soon! Weeeeeeeeee!

"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realise you're wrong."
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Only 2 weeks to go!

For anyone interested in the exact time remaining until BH5 day, there is countdown timer at the foot of the forum, one on damienmolony.org and on our facebook page!







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so.....only 2 weeks to go then!

I've gone from being desperate to hear anything about the new series, to 'don't look', which has kind of made me step back a bit.  I bought sfx, but still haven't read it.....and having read some of the things said about the scifi article I decided that I could only deal with one temptation in the house at a time and so am now just trying to avoid everything being human.  The internet is a serious problem!  To be honest I hate the thought that so many people 'know' so much more than me......but it would seem that not knowing is more important.  Surprising, as I have been know to read the last page of a book when I'm only a few pages in!  My brain seems to have even lost all ability to speculate.

The general consensus seems to be that there are some really 'epic' scenes/stories in this series.  I am wondereing whether the reason there are only 6 eps is because it means more money for each ep? if they have the same budget.  The worst thing is that talk of epicness makes me worry that this could be the final series.  (nnnooooooooooo00!)  Can't belive that I'm worrying about that when the series hasn't even started yet.  Just as depressingly, as the countdown brings the start of the series closer, it also brings the end of the series closer (ooo...I'm in a cherry mood today!)

So....not really anything to say.....just needed to splurge a bit about being human in a 'safe' place!  Apologies!!






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I guess I'm not on the net as much as I used to be, so avoiding spoilers seem easier nowadays. My problem is, do I save up all the eps before watching, as I usually do? That might be a tough one.

I'm quite mystified as to why there are only 6 episodes. Lack of faith in the show? (Impossible!) The recession causing less money being spent on drama and investing in reality shows instead? (Arse!) No idea whatsoever.

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UPDATE: Being Human has been removed from the BBC Media Centre page for unplaced programmes 2 - 8 February.

This means one of two things..... let's hope  it has been scheduled not delayed! fangswerewolfghost



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You'd think a TV provider as 'big' as the BBC would be able to get their act together. At least SOME time for promotion is usually allowed. We haven't even had a trailer. Bit silly, really.

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FURTHER UPDATE: It is looking very much as if Being Human has been delayed, since the removal of the premiere from the unplaced programmes 2 - 8 Feb on the BBC Media site, sources tell us that it is looking more like week beginning 9 Feb - publicity material had been embargoed until that week.

I will update the topic title if that is ok Su


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RE: UPDATED: Being Human Series 5 Air Date uk - February 10th?

Of course Hun, this makes me sad though :( I hate that we are being left completely in the dark with any news on air date :( x


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Oh my! I wonder what the reasons are. Oh well. Deep breath, and time to be patient.

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I suspect Men In Grey activity. That may or may not be a euphemism for bureaucracy.

As long as it is coming though, right?


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I just don't understand how they cannot give a date for a programme that's meant to be on in less than a month, especially when (as far as I am aware) you can buy monthly TV guides. I just find it a bit disrespectful, is all, to the creators AND to the actors.

I think if they were trying to ramp up expectation they'd be releasing more teasers, a trailer, at least, and there'd actually be some proper publicity. Can't ramp up proper expectation if it's all silent. It's like Dermot O'Leary on the sodding X Factor. "The remaining act who will be making it into the final....will have to wait until after the break to find out." I understand that kind of suspense building. But this? I don't understand this at all. There's no anticipation when there's literally nothing to water our mouths with.


-- Edited by RougeSang on Tuesday 22nd of January 2013 08:34:18 PM

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UJ wrote:

I too have a TV guide that promises Being Human for 'next week'. It's TV & Satellite, dated for 26 Jan - 1 Feb, so next week is for 2 Feb to 8 Feb.

 That's the one that i have. Best TV Guide mag around in my opinion aww

-- Edited by rubyrosettared on Tuesday 22nd of January 2013 10:07:20 PM


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RougeSang wrote:

I just don't understand how they cannot give a date for a programme that's meant to be on in less than a month, especially when (as far as I am aware) you can buy monthly TV guides. I just find it a bit disrespectful, is all, to the creators AND to the actors.

I think if they were trying to ramp up expectation they'd be releasing more teasers, a trailer, at least, and there'd actually be some proper publicity. Can't ramp up proper expectation if it's all silent. It's like Dermot O'Leary on the sodding X Factor. "The remaining act who will be making it into the final....will have to wait until after the break to find out." I understand that kind of suspense building. But this? I don't understand this at all. There's no anticipation when there's literally nothing to water our mouths with.


-- Edited by RougeSang on Tuesday 22nd of January 2013 08:34:18 PM

 They did that last year, i remember the trailer that was aired, the one with 'I'm a vampire, he's a werewolf, any questions' with the black eyes and the fangs (which also made me pay attention) and there was another trailer that hinted at Hal's character- when he's building the domino spiral and he talks about building up bit by bit and tearing down bit by bit but the way it was edited, it made you think he was talking about his personality and not building the spiral. There were prequels on the blog, Hal's (ages before the S4 premier i seem to remember) and Tom's, including other extras like Tom reading Eve the story about the big bad vampire and the good (little) wolf. Now stuff like this may materialise over time before transmission date but i seem to remember that last year all of that started around now. The silence this time around is deafening. And irritating.

-- Edited by rubyrosettared on Tuesday 22nd of January 2013 10:06:56 PM


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I really can't understand the reasons behind this basic...messing around because what is currently occupying the 9pm BBC3 Sunday night slot? movies...movies that have been on that channel and others several times before. If it had been a series of some sort then i would understand but no, it's a movie that everyone has seen at least three times before.

And why the lack of publicity? has someone higher up already decided that this is indeed the final series for the show without an episode airing so the less publicity the better? They should know better, the Being Human fans are some of the most loyal, passionate ones about. There was one brief interview with the cast before Christmas...i mean why schedule it then? (to answer my own question, possibly because Damien is in rehearsals for his play but there are pre-recorded interviews).

Perhaps i'm just sick and tired of the run around we fans seem to be getting from BBC3, they keep telling us that as soon as a date is scheduled, they'd tell us but this is getting ridiculous. We're getting frustrated, we're getting annoyed and when that happens, then we bite. I think it's frustration, there's only so much we can take...we're being pretty patient at the moment but i can't see it lasting for long.

Incidentally at the back of my TV Guide for next week, one of the shows advertised as being on the week after (the first Sunday in Feb)....is Being Human. So scheduling people at BBC3, what's it to be?


~I'm not a man of God~

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Hi Lisa, I feel and share your frustration and bafflement! But only because it has felt a long time coming and I want to see it so much!
oooh interesting about your tv guide which one is that? there is nothing scheduled yet that night in the Radio TImes - the BBC Three schedule for 3 feb shows 7 - 8pm Make Me A Muslim, 8 - 10 pm "TBA" (!!!!) and 10 - 11pm Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

I think 3 feb was deffo going to be the air date but something has changed that.

Perhaps BBC Three themselves are not in control of this decision? there me higher forces at work (of the non supernatural variety!) there are a myriad things it could be.

We should know more when the BBC Media centre scheds are updated on Thursday


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I too have a TV guide that promises Being Human for 'next week'. It's TV & Satellite, dated for 26 Jan - 1 Feb, so next week is for 2 Feb to 8 Feb.

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I, for one, can't believe that Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents gets any airing at all because it's basically a bunch of totally OTT mothers and fathers stalking on their children, spying on their children and pretty much ruining their first adult holiday away from their mother's apron strings. I can't believe that show isn't breaching some kind of human rights law to be perfectly honest.

I just think they're being ridiculous now. If this IS to be the last series then surely they'd want to get as much out of it as possible? Surely they'd want it to go out with a bang? Indeed, surely they'd want to give something promotion just to ensure viewing figures?

Honestly, it makes no sense to me.

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I have been so certain for such a long time that the air date would be feb 3, that I've been completely thrown by this news! Especially when it seemed that the 3rd had almost been confirmed. And yes.....there is just so much dross on tv that I cannot understand the dithering to show something decent.  To be fair, as far as I know, no-one connected with the bbc has actually confirmed any date yet.....they have consistantly said that they will let us know when a decision has been made.....even on their media page, it was still listed as '....to be confirmed'.  But that doesn't make it any easier....

I'm gobsmacked by the fact that so much 'stuff' has been published about the series already, if they still don't know when it's going to air.  But still no being human blog update.....and no trailer.  I'm starting to think we are being toyed with.  Maybe they think if they keep delaying, it will ramp up the expection.......I don't think mine can get any higher!


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Well if the viewing figures suffer because of the vexing lack of info it would be the Beeb's fault.

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There does seem to be a remarkable lack of advertising for it. Or is that a Beeb thing? Shows on commercial channels get a 'Coming Soon' ad campaign. I'm not on the look out for other Beeb shows right now so I have nothing to compare Beeb advertising with.

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But it is coming very soon !!! I don't think I have ever been so excited before about a television programme or character !!! I know I joined BH later on so you long term fans must of felt this way for years !!!xxx


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The Radio TImes has Being Human Series 5 listed for Sunday 3 Feb at 1opm!






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The 10pm time slot has just been confirmed by the BBC Press Office. Good stuff :)


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Yes! official confirmation! 

BBC Media Centre:



official Being Human twitter and blog!





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