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Topic: Let's make the first FLIGHT FIC!

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Let's make the first FLIGHT FIC!


While we are waiting to find out more about Ripper Street,

why don't we have some fun and let our imaginations fly, over


and make the first ever


It will all be entirely fictitious of course and we will not trying to guess the character before meeting him, just playing with our ideas for him!


What is his background?

How does he arrive at Ripper Street?

What was his first day like in H Division?

How was he received by the other officers, Inspector Reid and Sergeant Drake?

How was he received by Long Susan and her 'girls'?



Let's begin at the beginning, write a paragraph each at a time,  then let someone else continue...


For inspiration, below are the pics we have so far....









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And straight away he is caught up within the maelstrom that is H Division. The noise is incredible, perhaps slightly above a roar. For a moment Flight stands still, amidst the chaos and absorbs the atmosphere, the voices of coppers and prisoners alike, the clank of iron bars, the rattle of keys being turned. It terrifies him at first, the reputation of Detective Inspector Edmund Reid, head of H Division, is legendary in many circles. He takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders.  It's his first secondment, first out of uniform. He only hopes that he can live up to and be a part of the Division's reputation.

"Mind where you stand boy!" the voice sounds so close that Flight flinches, and lurches forward a step as he's caught by his shoulder and nudged forwards. He turns, seeing the tall, thin man pushing his way through, delivering yet another member of Whitechapel's criminal fraternity to the front desk. The first thought that goes through Flight's head is that he would not like to get on the wrong side of him....

-- Edited by rubyrosettared on Wednesday 18th of September 2013 08:02:17 PM


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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YAY, DOMINO! I'll get the ball rolling...


He looked up. Above him the dark clouds are foreboding a storm. This didn't help the sense of uneasiness that has been creeping over him. It was going to be his first day in the H Division. A new day, a new beginning. Exhaling slowly, dismissing the anxiety that plagued him, Detective Albert Flight stepped through the headquarters door...

Marigolds, sorry.
Professional Thud-er
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Nervously Flight nods in acknowledgement, "Consta...", he pauses with a slight twitch of his lips before squaring his shoulders once more and beginning again, more confident, "Detective Constable Albert Flight reporting to Detective Inspector Reid."  He can't help the slight awe that creeps into his voice at that name.

"Ah, the new lad." The beady-eyed man looks him up and down, taking his measure, noting his polished appearance and clearly finding it lacking. "Toff?  Best keep any lofty ideas you have to yourself young man.  You stick out like a sore thumb in these here parts."  

Flight swallows back a retort and gives the officer a congenial stare.  He's become accustomed to men making assumptions about him.  Let them.  

"Mr. Reid can be found right there where you hear that Yank."  He looks down at the file he'd just been handed, the new case that had just been reported. Accustomed to sending young Hobbs on errands, he presents the file to this new boy.  "Here, might as well make yourself useful and give him this."

Flight takes the file and turns towards the indicated door...

-- Edited by whimsyfox on Thursday 19th of September 2013 02:34:29 AM


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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….his anxiety deepening with the sound of voices appearing to come from behind a closed door,

”This is the last time you will attend here, sir, in this….state!”

“Or WHAT Reid?”

Flight was not sure, but the laconic reply sounded like it came from an American…but before he could dwell on this further, his gaze met with a pair of beady eyes peering at him over spectacles perched on the face of a bearded man behind the desk. “How can we help you young man?” he said without blinking. Flight was reminded of a bird of prey ready to pounce as he stepped forward.


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...instinctively clasping his watch in his waistcoat pocket, as if reassuring himself that the frosty reception he had received so far on his first day in H Division was a transient thing.

Taking a deep breath and puffing up his chest slightly to bolster his courage, he knocks.

"What now!" came the american voice, exasperated and ....loud.

"Be quiet and get a grip of yourself man!" scolded the other voice, belonging to the man who hastily approaches then opens the door so abruptly Flight thought it might come of its' hinges.

In the split second before the next word was uttered, Flight took in the room beyond him. Garishly lit and unwelcomingly cold, the space was larger than he expected, with benches filled with the paraphernalia you would only expect to see in a science laboratory, and........ Flight could hardly believe his eyes, was that a.............


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...before his thought could land and the full horror of the scene before him filled his senses, the man who opened the door inquired curtly

"Yes?" his eyebrows raised expectantly and with an air of impatience.

Flight opened his mouth to reply when the man with the american accent - who Flight noticed with no small measure of alarm, was slumped on the floor - almost slurred, "What now......"

"You be quiet!" the first man barked, pointing commandingly back at him but keeping his eyes on flight.

"Well young man, speak up, what is your business here?"

"Flight, Sir",his voice emerging more waveringly than he would like, "reporting for duty!" he finished with a forced close-mouthed smile and an almost too cheerful click of his heels.


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Mad about Lord Harry
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I am not creative enough to join in, but enjoying this so far, carry on!!! :D


My name is Ciara and I've been on the Kia-Ora!!!! :D

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glad you are enjoying it HalGal but please don't hesitate to join in just a paragraph or a sentence or two! let you imagination fly and just write what comes to mind

Who will continue the story?


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Reid raised his eyebrow. He studied Flight for a moment, carefully noting his well polished appearance, his posture, the nervous twitch of his mouth... 'He's young,' Reid thought. He wasn't sure if was envious of the fact that Flight didn't know what he was getting himself into or if he pitied him. The H Division can make or break a person.

Flight was all too aware of the silence that enveloped the room. "Sir, I..." Reid interrupted, "The file you're clutching... let me have it." Flight looked down. He hadn't realized until that moment what a grip he had on it. There were slight indentations of his finger tips on the envelope. He relaxed his shoulders, feeling the tension release slightly. He handed the file over to Reid, who carefully opened it and glazed over its contents. Flight bounced on his heels slightly, checking the time on his pocket watch (this was a habit, you see), it was a quarter to 9...

"Well, well," Reid said, bringing Flight back to the moment. "looks as if we have a hell of an interesting case here." Flight's eyes widened, "We, sir?" Reid smirked...

Marigolds, sorry.
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"Come!" Reid commanded with a brightening tone spinning on his his heels as he marched out of the room, the american glowering up at him from his position on the floor.

Flight followed suit as Reid replaced his bowler, and tried to keep up as his new boss shouted to the bird of prey man at the desk,

"throw a bucket of cold water on that man!" pointing back at the room they just left.

"Where are we going, Sir?" Flight ventured, trying to disguise his nerves and excitement at this turn of events.

"A word of advice Flight, Less questions and more observation and you will go far with me." Reid responds without looking at his new Detective.

"Yes Sir!"

Albert was not opposed to an adventure, but as they headed out into the London streets, the sudden crisp autumn wind almost blowing off his bowler and snatching his breath away from him, he was filled with the memory of the scene he had just let behind, and a sense of dread......


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So..... who will continue with the first Flight fic?

I know peoples' imaginations are fired up right now, so let's harness it in this topic!

(understand you may want to create own fan fics, but this is just a wee paragraph at a time and it is fun to create this as a group!)


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*feels lonely in this topic*

(All the fanfic-ers on the forum and all the Ripper Street excitement and noone will add a tiny paragraph? )

where could Reid and Flight be heading?................................................


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Professional Thud-er
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I think for me the problem is now knowing a few tidbits of S2 I'm debating if they should be incorporated in this or not.  Plus if you ask me, they are heading to the brothel... wink


But I started having a think so maybe I'll have something to add.  


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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lol! Well, it is just a wee paragraph so i'd say whatever direction...the beauty of a group fanfic is no one person can decide which direction!


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His new boss striding purposefully ahead of him at quite some pace, Flight was glad of the constant chatter of the street filling his ears almost drowning out the pounding of his own heartbeat as he tried to keep up.

Head bowed against the wind, his attempts to clear the crowding thoughts that perturbed him about his reception at H Division only muffling his mind all the more, Albert, to his total embarrassment, practically squeaked with shock when he collided face on with a young woman, clad in brilliant peacock blue and looking up at him with the most amazing deep brown eyes (he managed to observe in the millisecond before apologising profusely and attempting to help her collect the items scattered from her basket on the cobbled ground).

“I’m, so sorry Miss…” he stammered. clumsily, his necktie suddenly feeling too tight and his collar too high.

She made no reply but her smile in response after regaining her composure and before continuing on her way left Albert with the profoundest feeling of bafflement, a feeling conveyed on his face as he turned to Inspector Reid who had seen the whole curfuffle.
He could have been mistaken, but Flight thought he saw his boss begin to roll his eyes before coming closer and quietly sighing,
“There are many distractions to be found on these streets Flight, they could turn a man’s head from seeing the heart of matters of life and death.”

If he wasn’t filled with foreboding before, the young detectve certainly was now, as he nodded silently back at the man he was beginning to fear, but whose air of darkness and authority somehow provided a sense of native safety on these mysterious streets.


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This Flight Fic is shaping up! 

we have quite a story so far....

(hermyownee) He looked up. Above him the dark clouds are foreboding a storm. This didn't help the sense of uneasiness that has been creeping over him. It was going to be his first day in the H Division. A new day, a new beginning. Exhaling slowly, dismissing the anxiety that plagued him, Detective Albert Flight stepped through the headquarters door... 


(rubyrosettared)And straight away he is caught up within the maelstrom that is H Division. The noise is incredible, perhaps slightly above a roar. For a moment Flight stands still, amidst the chaos and absorbs the atmosphere, the voices of coppers and prisoners alike, the clank of iron bars, the rattle of keys being turned. It terrifies him at first, the reputation of Detective Inspector Edmund Reid, head of H Division, is legendary in many circles. He takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders.  It's his first secondment, first out of uniform. He only hopes that he can live up to and be a part of the Division's reputation.

"Mind where you stand boy!" the voice sounds so close that Flight flinches, and lurches forward a step as he's caught by his shoulder and nudged forwards. He turns, seeing the tall, thin man pushing his way through, delivering yet another member of Whitechapel's criminal fraternity to the front desk. The first thought that goes through Flight's head is that he would not like to get on the wrong side of him....


(domino) ….his anxiety deepening with the sound of voices appearing to come from behind a closed door,

”This is the last time you will attend here, sir, in this….state!” 

“Or WHAT Reid?” 

Flight was not sure, but the laconic reply sounded like it came from an American…but before he could dwell on this further, his gaze met with a pair of beady eyes peering at him over spectacles perched on the face of a bearded man behind the desk. “How can we help you young man?” he said without blinking. Flight was reminded of a bird of prey ready to pounce as he stepped forward.


(whimsyfox) Nervously Flight nods in acknowledgement, "Consta...", he pauses with a slight twitch of his lips before squaring his shoulders once more and beginning again, more confident, "Detective Constable Albert Flight reporting to Detective Inspector Reid."  He can't help the slight awe that creeps into his voice at that name.

"Ah, the new lad." The beady-eyed man looks him up and down, taking his measure, noting his polished appearance and clearly finding it lacking. "Toff?  Best keep any lofty ideas you have to yourself young man.  You stick out like a sore thumb in these here parts."  

Flight swallows back a retort and gives the officer a congenial stare.  He's become accustomed to men making assumptions about him.  Let them.  

"Mr. Reid can be found right there where you hear that Yank."  He looks down at the file he'd just been handed, the new case that had just been reported. Accustomed to sending young Hobbs on errands, he presents the file to this new boy.  "Here, might as well make yourself useful and give him this."

Flight takes the file and turns towards the indicated door...


(domino) ...instinctively clasping his watch in his waistcoat pocket, as if reassuring himself that the frosty reception he had received so far on his first day in H Division was a transient thing.

Taking a deep breath and puffing up his chest slightly to bolster his courage, he knocks.

"What now!" came the american voice, exasperated and ....loud.

"Be quiet and get a grip of yourself man!" scolded the other voice, belonging to the man who hastily approaches then opens the door so abruptly Flight thought it might come of its' hinges.

In the split second before the next word was uttered, Flight took in the room beyond him. Garishly lit and unwelcomingly cold, the space was larger than he expected, with benches filled with the paraphernalia you would only expect to see in a science laboratory, and........ Flight could hardly believe his eyes, was that a.............


(domino)...before his thought could land and the full horror of the scene before him filled his senses, the man who opened the door inquired curtly

"Yes?" his eyebrows raised expectantly and with an air of impatience.

Flight opened his mouth to reply when the man with the american accent - who Flight noticed with no small measure of alarm, was slumped on the floor - almost slurred, "What now......"

"You be quiet!" the first man barked, pointing commandingly back at him but keeping his eyes on flight.

"Well young man, speak up, what is your business here?"

"Flight, Sir", his voice emerging more waveringly than he would like, "reporting for duty!" he finished with a forced close-mouthed smile and an almost too cheerful click of his heels.


(hermyownee)Reid raised his eyebrow. He studied Flight for a moment, carefully noting his well polished appearance, his posture, the nervous twitch of his mouth... 'He's young,' Reid thought. He wasn't sure if was envious of the fact that Flight didn't know what he was getting himself into or if he pitied him. The H Division can make or break a person.

Flight was all too aware of the silence that enveloped the room. "Sir, I..." Reid interrupted, "The file you're clutching... let me have it." Flight looked down. He hadn't realized until that moment what a grip he had on it. There were slight indentations of his finger tips on the envelope. He relaxed his shoulders, feeling the tension release slightly. He handed the file over to Reid, who carefully opened it and glazed over its contents. Flight bounced on his heels slightly, checking the time on his pocket watch (this was a habit, you see), it was a quarter to 9...

"Well, well," Reid said, bringing Flight back to the moment. "looks as if we have a hell of an interesting case here." Flight's eyes widened, "We, sir?" Reid smirked... 


(domino)"Come!" Reid commanded with a brightening tone spinning on his his heels as he marched out of the room, the american glowering up at him from his position on the floor. 

Flight followed suit as Reid replaced his bowler, and tried to keep up as his new boss shouted to the bird of prey man at the desk,

"throw a bucket of cold water on that man!" pointing back at the room they just left.

"Where are we going, Sir?" Flight ventured, trying to disguise his nerves and excitement at this turn of events.

"A word of advice Flight, Less questions and more observation and you will go far with me." Reid responds without looking at his new Detective.

"Yes Sir!" 

Albert was not opposed to an adventure, but as they headed out into the London streets, the sudden crisp autumn wind almost blowing off his bowler and snatching his breath away from him, he was filled with the memory of the scene he had just left behind, and a sense of dread......


(domino)His new boss striding purposefully ahead of him at quite some pace, Flight was glad of the constant chatter of the street filling his ears almost drowning out the pounding of his own heartbeat as he tried to keep up. 

Head bowed against the wind, his attempts to clear the crowding thoughts that perturbed him about his reception at H Division only muffling his mind all the more, Albert, to his total embarrassment, practically squeaked with shock when he collided face on with a young woman, clad in brilliant peacock blue and looking up at him with the most amazing deep brown eyes (he managed to observe in the millisecond before apologising profusely and attempting to help her collect the items scattered from her basket on the cobbled ground).

“I’m, so sorry Miss…” he stammered. clumsily, his necktie suddenly feeling too tight and his collar too high.

She made no reply but her smile in response after regaining her composure and before continuing on her way left Albert with the profoundest feeling of bafflement, a feeling conveyed on his face as he turned to Inspector Reid who had seen the whole curfuffle. 
He could have been mistaken, but Flight thought he saw his boss begin to roll his eyes before coming closer and quietly sighing, 
“There are many distractions to be found on these streets Flight, they could turn a man’s head from seeing the heart of matters of life and death.” 

If he wasn’t filled with foreboding before, the young detective certainly was now, as he nodded silently back at the man he was beginning to fear, but whose air of darkness and authority somehow provided a sense of native safety on these mysterious streets.


 Who will continue the tale?


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"The tar-.." Reid began then brought his sentence to a halt. His memory of Hobbs constantly saying 'A tart'. Reid shook of the thought.
"Be aware of the brothel 'Long Susan' runs with her girls, Flight. They're tempting for a young unmarried lad like yourself."
Flight wouldn't dare argue. He acknowledged the fact Reid had been in Whitechapel longer than himself. That mainly meant he knew more about this place filled with murderers and whores than Flight wold ever know.
"Sir, if I may, why haven't they objected to the brothel?" Flight asked with such questioning in his voice.
Reid turned on his heel to face the lad, Flight almost bumping straight into him.
"The yankee. The one in my office. The mistress is quite a companion to him. I suppose we have dumbfounded ourselves with why we haven't barged in there and arrested each girl, however, we do not question the confusion."
Reid continued walking, Flight desperate to catch up with him and walking with such haste...


Albert Flight in 5 days.. 

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nicely done AlbertFlight-y! and welcome aboard There is rather too much of me in this fic so far, so will step aside an allow someone else to continue!


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Professional Thud-er
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Welcome AlbertFlight-y!  Don't know if you've had a chance to take a look around, we have an introduce yourself topic here.  smile

I'm liking the direction you are taking this already... wink


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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As he fought to stay up with Reid's purposeful march, Flight decided to try to focus on one thing at a time and find a bit of clarity in the chaos in which he found himself. H Division was tough and Reid was in some circles legendary for his unique handling of this difficult part of London.
Apparently the out-of-sorts American had some use for Reid, or he would have been in a cell instead what appeared to be a dead room. Perhaps he was a doctor? Flight had never seen a doctor look so ramshackle, so he doubted that was it. A specialist of some sort then. A specialist in death, by the looks of it. And he kept company with the mistress of a brothel, which meant the police left that particular brothel alone.
Perhaps H Division simply didn't have the manpower or resources to handle every illicit activity and so turned a blind eye to those that caused no trouble. Flight had seen it happen before. He realized that learning Reid's priorities would be essential to his own success at his new post. Flight determined to study Reid at every opportunity, even under adverse conditions. He braced himself for whatever would occur at the termination of their journey and did his best to map his way through the tangled streets and alleys as they went. Never to soon to start learning the territory.


He'd have told me to join him, and I would. - still true!

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Ooh goody!! someone is continuing on with the Flight Fic, nicely done TJ! who will continue I wonder....


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It was the grimmest moment of his life, but Flight was surprised to find a sense of lightness within him, once again locked in the dank cell at H-Division, a sense of freedom swept over him as he realised the huge weight he had been carrying inside himself.. for so long... was no longer weighing him down. Perhaps there was hope, after all, he had made the ultimate confession, maybe just maybe, life could be forgiving and....

And then he remembered.... the look in Inspector Reids' eyes as he questioned him, he almost saw hatred, certainly rage, but there was also disbelief and almost... pain.. and it was this that overwhelmed Albert with the familiar cloying grip of shame, but this time with renewed agony. He had begun to win Reid's trust, admiration almost, he had acted on the side of goodness. He had made a difference to things that mattered. Despite his secrets, for the first time in his life he had felt clear and truthful.

Clutching his stomach, the tears rolled as he crumpled to the cell floor.


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