A post shared by Damien Molony (@damien_molony) on Feb 21, 2019 at 10:43am PST
For anyone who missed the making of the card, here is the full design!
It is inspired by Damien's comment in his Lovetalkin interview, where he talked about how Alan Rickman's Sheriff of Nottingham inspired his audition for Hal in Being Human:
Damien: I went to the audition just knowing that this was Alan Rickman, Sheriff of Nottingham, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. I was like 'that's it, that's the character, If I can do that...'
Lovetalkin: That's a great character isn't it
Damien: I mean, the best
Lovetalkin: It really is funny... brilliant
Damien: He's so irritable, he's so frustrated, and so angry.. that is was of my favourite performance of all time
Rosie our marvelous mod suggested that as a theme, so I ran with that and came up with this!
Hi RJ! Aw shucks, thanks I am glad you like it. Must admit it gives me a huge belly laugh each time I look at it. Just the whole hysterical / dramatic character combination of Hal and The Sheriff Of Nottingham!
It is kind of Damien to publicly thank the forum and comment on one of our cards online again. Time and again I am reminded of how generous he is. Not sure about everyone else, but this is a massive thrill to read!