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Topic: About The Damien Molony Forum

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About The Damien Molony Forum
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 Welcome to the Damien Molony Forum!


A place for fans from all over the world to express appreciation and admiration for talented actor Damien Molony.

We aim to bring you latest on our favourite actor, his projects, news, interviews, reviews, pics and more

- visit us daily!



DMF has 2 main websites:

Fansite (damienmolony.org)

fan community (damienmolonyforum.com)


Find us on the following Social Media platforms too!

 Twitter Fan Page

Facebook Fan Page

Instagram Fan Page



About The Damien Molony Forum

The forum has been supporting and reporting on Damien's acting career since 2012.

The forum and fansite are fan-owned and maintained, and were created to show appreciation for Damien's work, to provide a community platform for fans and to keep that community updated and inspired.

DMF is not affiliated with Damien or his representatives, but we are known to Damien, who has over the years expressed his appreciation for our ongoing efforts and support.

We are also very proud to have collaborated with Damien in supporting and fundraising
for a number of different charities including Embrace CVOC, Make A Wish Ireland, Mind, Combat Stress, Age UK, Centrepoint and most recently, mental health charity 'SANE'.




At the present time, we have 2,093 registered members who join us from all over the world, 2,193 discussion topics and a total of  59,325 forum comments, all on the subject of Damien's work! [Latest update 22 February 2023]

The fan site damienmolony.org currently has a total of 494 news features and 282 info pages on Damien's work, including exclusive news, interviews, reviews and more.

Combined, damienmolonyforum.com and damienmolony.org combined receive an average of 350,000 views (impressions) per month!


Join Us!

Thank you for supporting The Damien Molony Forum, we hope you enjoy your visit here.

To help you find your way around the forum, we have lots of handy hints and helpful guides.

We believe that you will get the most out of the forum if you join the fun, take part in the discussion and connect with other fans.  If you register you will also gain access to extra content, features and more! 

See you soon!


Damien Molony Forum owner



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