Welcome to the Damien Molony Forum!A place for fans from all over the world to express appreciation and admiration for talented actor Damien Molony.We aim to bring you latest on our favourite actor, his projects, news, interviews, reviews, pics and more- visit us daily!DMF has 2 main...
IntroductionThe Damien Molony Forum has been running since 2012 and over the years many fans have joined us from all corners of the world. DMF is a respectful, welcoming and friendly community and largely self regulating, breach of the below guidelines is extremely rare.Every single membe...
Damien Molony Forum IndexThe following index will take you to the right area for all the info and discussion topics on that particular subject, simply click on the relevant heading below!DAMO CENTRAL (Damien info, filmography / acting credits, general news & discussion can be found here...
Helpful Hints on How to Use The Forum 1. MembershipWhy become a member?Once a member of the forum you can post on the boards, begin your own topics, join in with the live chat and have access to the member only and private forums. Read more about extra features for members [url=http://www.damienm...
Private Messaging and WhiteboardsThe forum has both a PM (private messaging) and a 'whiteboard' system. Private MessagingThe PM system is like an on board email system, where members can send private, off the main forum communication to each other. PMs have the same format as posting on the foru...
How To Post on The ForumAny registered member of the forum can join in with discussions and start topics.How To Join in with Discussions There are two ways to join in with a discussion: 1. Simply click on the topic you are interested in and write your comment in the 'quick reply' space at the bottom...
How To Post Images and Videos IMAGESThere are two ways to include images in your posts:Please note: photo attachments can only work on the forum using the 'reply' option to post, not 'quick reply'.1. Use the attachment optionThis can be found at the bottom of the writing area when you create a ne...
How To Become A MemberIt is really easy and will always be free to become a member of the Damien Molony Forum. Simply click here!We welcome all guests and visitors at the forum. But would far prefer for y...
How To: Avatars, Signatures, Profiles and SettingsEach member has a profile which displays any details about themselves they wish to share, including location, email, birthday, gender and more. Each profile is customizable, and it is entirely a members own choice how much info to display, bu...
How To Use The Forum Emoticons When you begin a new topic, or use the 'reply' option to post, you are taken to a new page which has a selection of smilies on the left hand side. To include any in your post, just click on the relevant smiley! At the bottom of this selection is a 'more emoticons' button, c...